
Showing posts from August, 2024

Sep 2024 Training Log

01 Sep 2024 Stretch: 30min (PnF Forward Split ) PullUp : 5,    Dips : 10, 10, 10 WeightedRFP Day27,  [ ~20:21 ] PullUp [ +10kg ]: 12, 11, 10, 10, 9 Lsit.ElbowDips : 4, 4 ElbowDips : 10, 10 GYM (Chest-lite) PullOver: 10kg × 15 Mach.Sh.Press: 32kg × 25 Smith.Incl.Press:  50kg × 12,  50kg × 10,   70kg × 12,  80kg × 04 DBPress: 22.5kg × 10,  27.5kg × 12,   32.5kg × 09,   32.5kg × 09 Run : 3.00km,  5:15min/km, avg❤️141 Redemption after yday sh!tty training. Up the LsitElbowDips to 4 but need to work on form now. Finally hit the 32.5kg DBPress goal of 8/set. Twice! 02 Sep 2024 ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿšฉ: 12, 12, 12 ๐ŸฆSquat: 10 LsCU: 7, 7 WeightedRFP Day28,  [ 20:32 ] PullUp [ +10kg ]: 12, 11, 11, 10, 9 Call it a day after pulling. Lack sleep last nite. Energy.drained... Also feeling DOMS at distal end of biceps these 2 days... minor but is a sign to deload after one last day tomorrow. 03 Sep 2024 LsCU: 10, 8 ☠️CrusherPU: 10, 10 JMU•10SBDips × 3 WeightedRFP Day29,  [ 21:36 ] PullUp [ +10kg ]: 12, 12, 11, 10, 9 Run

2024 Aug Training Reflection

This month emphasis is again on Pulling! One more round of the Russian Fighter PullUp program but weighted this time. Starting week was mostly a breeze as rep numbers are low. Got me thinking if I chose too low a number to start with. But like the last round-- can begin to "feel" it by Week 3. Week 4 was definitely tough and slugging out Wk 5 that cuts across into the first 3 days of Sep would definitely need some work on focusing hard to slug it out with good reps.. or whatever is as best as possible. In a way, some main objectives on strength and strength-endurance has been achieved. Definitely can sense being much stronger in doing most other things because of the program. No injuries either. In fact getting better recovery despite much higher volume/ intensity. Actual AMRAP and PRs to be tested in Sep... these are just some numbers.. Important thing is that this training phase carries a lot of functionality over to everything else. Updated the numbers for my Pulling Analy

Aug 2024 Training Log

01 Aug 2024 Chiro07 YOGA PullUp: 12 PullUp[ +10kg ] : 7,7,7,7,7,5,4 02  Aug 2024 ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿšฉ: 10, 10.  B.Board.Sq: ~80 ๐Ÿ’ŽPU: 40, 20, 20, 20, 20 3 set alt. with DB๐Ÿ”จCurl 2×18lb ×12 03  Aug 2024 ElbowDips: 8, 8, 8 Gym (Chest) Benchpress 50kg × 15,   60kg × 10,   7 0kg × 08   75kg × 07,    75kg × 07,   6 0kg × 10 Mach.ChestPress 50kg × 15,    59kg × 08, PullOver: 10kg  × 10    DBPress: [15⁰ incline] 17.5kg × 15,   27.5kg × 10,   30.0kg × 08 32.5kg   × 05,   32.5kg × 05..  last 2 set fail at 6th RTW 15dips • 08PullUp • 10๐Ÿ’ŽPU 15dips • 08PullUp • 09 +1๐Ÿ’ŽPU ( failed after 9th ) 15dips • 08PullUp •  09  +1๐Ÿ’ŽPU ( failed after 9th ) 15dips • 08PullUp • 10PU 15dips • 08PullUp • 10PU 04  Aug 2024 Stretching LsCU: 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 05  Aug 2024 Run: 4.01km,  5:49min/km, ❤️134, max ❤️154 Run: 0.55km,  6:22min/km, ❤️136, max❤️147 Run: 0.65km,  5:13min/km, ❤️139,   max❤️153 Run: 0.66km,  4:45min/km, ❤️143,   max❤️158 Pullup: 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 6 06  Aug 2024 LsCU: 8, 8 WeightedRFP Day01,  [10:36] PullUp