30 Days of Running

Another month long affair completed. 30 Days of consecutive Running.

This isn't so much about running itself, rather a re-wiring of the brain to do something I dislike, hitting the pavement first thing in the morning in a fasted state.

Took a few days forcing myself out of bed at six in the morning to lace up and gun for each run immediately.

About a third were done in the evenings. Wet mornings or simply due to schedules made it hard to strictly keep it to all pre-dawn runs. 

Anyway it was more about not skipping a day... until DAY22,  28 Sep. But this was a tech break. Had my "Quarterly No-Training" 2.4km speed test run on the 29 Sep. The break was needed from the cumulative stress on the quads from the past 3 weeks... Neuro-muscular fatigue was REAL, not forgetting that the runs are additional to my other daily strength training workouts.

Wasn't quite enough to recover with just one day for something like the 2.4k but still managed to get 1 second faster than my last trial in Jun.  Anyway the 2.4km had been detailed in Sep Reflections and Instagram.

But more on this month itself...

Data, numbers to crunch and observe changes/ progress...

Using all the ~5km runs... graphically:

Improvement in most areas is what I would consider a bonus. Getting consistently to  a cadence above 170 was a challenge prior to this one month. My overall pace also seems to be better while still maintaining, or rather kept lowering on average and max heart rate. Now I only need to keep these few things consistent while trying to increase back my stride length.

P.S. I'm not and never consider myself much of a runner even with a few marathons and ultras done eons ago. It's all about well roundedness in fitness and cardio as a component to the overall package is non negotiable.







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