2023 Jan Training Reflections
The biggest battle is still with the Ego. Had to mumbled the daily reminder "Form Over Reps" under my breath as the reps start adding up in each exercise.
Then there is the change in goals and targets this year-- start practicing on handstands and frog/ crow pose. Skills training splits.. Strength training is still needed of course.
Muscle-ups training will have to wait till the new pullup stand is here next month. In any case I reckon all of these is really gonna need some strong shoulders work first.
After a few practices, I decided starting planche will just have to wait even longer until I can do all the rest.
In addition core will have to be buildup further especially on anything with L-sits involved. Be it doing it with dips, pull or chin ups...
Basic "Daily" Fundamentals remain:
- Pullups
- L-sitChinUps
- Diamond Pushups
- Dips
- DragonFlags
- AirSquats
No change. But in addition
- PikePushUps - for all the shoulder strengthening in above mentioned moves
"Isn't it monotonous doing the same old things everyday?"
Certainly. I just toss it up. In any case doing at least 3-4 of these is the minimum. On days when I'm running late a typical workout would be like today
01 Feb
Morning (5min)... in office
AIRsquats: 35,35
🐲Flag: 5
Evening (~20mins)
Pullups: 16,12,10,7
AirSquats: 35,35,35
💎PU: 25,25,20
PikePU: 10,10,10
Other times it will be more, or together with some body part training using weights.
The other thing kickoff in Jan is flexibility training. With the kind of workload and schedules this year, will have to make an effort to "mix-and-match" all the different training for effective/ optimal progress...
The PikePushUP is really one exercise that help to curb the ego. Just try doing it fast and see if your face will not be eating the floor.... or maybe its the other way around :)
Got through the initial discomfort or pushing the shoulder forward while maintaining balance... now its all on to getting it done in super strict form.
Need to sit down over the weekend and start formulating my programs and progression planning for 2023...