Jun 2024 Training Log

01 Jun 2024

02 Jun 2024
AirSquat: 50, 50, 50, 50
🐲🚩: 12, 12, 12, 10

(Gym (Back)
Hi-PullUp: 8, 5, 5, 5, 5 (min. mid-chest)
Lats Pulldown (Neutral-Bar)
54kg × 12    59kg × 10
64kg × 10    68kg × 09
dropset(01)- 77kg × 08 >> 64kg × 05>> 54kg × 04
50kg × 10,        59kg × 10,   
64kg × 10+1,   50kg × 13
Lats.Pulldown (LongBar)
dropset(02)- 68kg × 08 >> 59kg × 3 fail at 4th
SingleArm.DB.Row (slow)
12.5kg × 10,   17.5kg × 10,    15.0kg × 10
[10 Dip,  7 N-Pullup,  12 Std.PU]  ×5

03 Jun 2024
HiPullUp: 20
JMU-SBDips: 1-20, 1-15, 1-15, 1-15, 1-15
B.Board Training
3-Axis "Gyro"- Squats: ~25-30
CossackSquat: 20 × 4
🦐Squat: 10/🦵×4,    5/🦵×4

04 Jun 2024
Cossack Squat: 20 × 4
🐲🚩: 12,

LsCU: 7, 7, 8, 7, 7
2-handed.Hold.🦐Squat: ~20 (rightleg)

05 Jun 2024
🐲🚩: 12, 12, 12
PullUp: 7, 7, 7
Run: 8.01km,  6:47min/km,  ❤️130
PullUp: 7, 7, 7

06 Jun 2024
PushUp: 49 (1minAMRAP), 30, 30 
Yin Yoga
Tucked.Curve.PullUp: 4,4,4,4,4,4
LsCU: 5, 5, 5
07 Jun 2024
Slo.PullUps: 5, 5, 
(orange=almost fail), (red=failure pt)
Gym (Chest)  
💣Hi.PullUps: 10, 10, 8+2 (warmup)
Flat.BenchPress (myoreps-30s interval)
40kg × 20 (warmup)
MYOREP-60kg: 12 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6,
MYOREP-50kg: 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7
LsitChinUp: 7, 7
DBPress (incline15⁰)
25.0kg × 10     27.5kg × 08
30.0kg × 07     32.5kg × 04 fail at 5th
32.5kg × 04
Alternating.DBPress: 10kg × 10
Supinated.DBPress: 10kg × 10
Round The World 
15 Dip,  7 Pullup,  10 Std.PU  
15 Dip,  7 Pullup,  10 Std.P
15 Dip,  7 Pullup,  10 Std.P
12+2+1 Dip,  7 Pullup,  10 Std.P
15 Dip,  7 Pullup,  10 Std.PU

08 Jun 2024
Dips: 10, 15
@Gym: Arms Day
Superset: RopeDown + [EzCurl(Narrow-Wide]
22× 36kg + [18W, 08N x 20kg]
22, 4 × 36kg + [18W, 08N x 20kg]
16, (6+4) × 41kg, 32kg + [18W, 08N x 20kg]
17, (5+3) × 41kg, 32kg + [18W, 08N x 20kg] 
Tri-EZ☠️Crusher+ [Narrow+Wide]
20 × 20kg + 8 wide    17 x 25kg + 5 wide
12 x 30kg + wide     08 x 30kg + 4 wide
20 × 20kg       13 × 25kg.    
10 × 27.5kg + 10 × 22.5kg
20 x 17.5kg
12/s × 6kg      08/s × 9kg     10/s × 7kg
Feeling off after yesterday all-out Chest session. 
Reduced no. of arms ex for today... TimeOut!

09 Jun 2024
Run: 5.02km,  5:37min/km,  ❤️138
PullUp: 7, 7, 7, 7, 5+2, 5+1+1

10 Jun 2024
🐲🚩: 12, 12, 12, 12
10kg × 10, 10
30kg × 06, 07   
35kg × 03
Dips: 20, 20, 20
DeficitPushUps: 20, 20, 20, 20, 20
Total Workout Time: 41min

11 Jun 2024
RollerPushUp: 10, 10
Run: 3.02km,  6:13min/km,  ❤️124
PullUp: 10, 10, 5, 5
LsitChinUp: 5, 5, 5, 5 

12 Jun 2024
🐲🔥: 15, 12, 13
LsCU: 5, 5, 7, 7
Airsquat: 50
Dinner@Himawari (back@midnite)

13 Jun 2024
🐲🚩: 12, 12
LsCU: 7, 7
AirSquat: 50, 50
-ve🦐Sq: 30
🦐Sq: 20
LsCU: 12
Yin Yoga
LsCU: 13

14 Jun 2024

PullUp: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 (RFP Day01)
Run: 14.33km,  6:35min/km,  ❤️131

15 Jun 2024
Pullup: 10, 9, 8, 7, 7 (RFP Day02)

16 Jun 2024
Pullup: 10, 8, 9, 8, 7 (RFP Day03)
miscount set2 add back 1rep in set3

17 Jun 2024
🐲🚩: 10, 10
🐲🚩[+4.5kg]: 7, 8, 7, 6
Pullup: 10, 9, 9, 8, 7 (RFP Day04)
1st time manage a multiple set weighted DF session but still too heavy at 4.5kg. Hip hinge obvious...need to buy a pair of 1kg ankle wt.

18 Jun 2024
LsCU: 5, 5, 5
Incl.💎PU: 20 (warmup)
Pullup: 10, 10, 9, 8, 7 (RFP Day05)
-ve🦐Sq: 20   (5,5 × 2)
🦐Squat: 48   (5,5,7,7 × 2)
🔫Squat: 30   (5,5,5 × 2)
Bg.Spl.Sq: 40 (10,10 × 2)
Std.PU: 20, 20

19 Jun 2024
RFP Day06 - Rest
Stretch: 40mins
LsCU: 5, 

20 Jun 2024
🐲🚩: 12, 12, 10
KickStand.Squat:10 (gtg)
-ve🦐Squat: 10 (gtg)
LsPullUp: 2
LsCU: 5, 5, 5, 5
Yin Yoga
Pullup: 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 (RFP Day07)
Wide.Pullup: 5
Incl.💎PU: 20, 20, 20, 20

21 Jun 2024
LsCU: 5, 7, 7, 7
Pullup: 11, 10, 9, 8, 8 (RFP Day08)
PU: 20, 20, 20, 20

22 Jun 2024
LsitChinUp: 7, 7
FL🐲🚩: 10, 10, 10 (w. raised blocks)
PullUp: 18 in 40s (AMRAP pre-test)
Pullup: 11,10,9,9,8 (RFP Day09)
Run: 6.01km,  5:58min/km, ❤️136,
LsitChinUp: 5, 5, 5

23 Jun 2024
Pullup: 11,10,10,9,8 (RFP Day010)
ArcherPU: 10, 10, 10, 10
Elbow Dips: 8, 10, 10
PigeonPU: 8, 10

24 Jun 2024
-ve🦐: 5+5 (gtg)
LsCU: 7, 7
Sh.mobility+Pullovers: 3 sets
Pullup: 11,11,10,9,8 (RFP Day11)
Felt tired and aching before pulling. Last nite insufficient sleep. Fatigue level felt like 3-3.5 but when doing and after shower feels more like ~2. 
10 min break between Set 2 and 3, fiddling with window blind. 

25 Jun 2024
-ve🦐Squat: 10 (gtg)
RFP Day12 - Rest

26 Jun 2024
GTG >> Greasing The Grooves in office
superset  [🐲🚩+PushUp]:  [12+20] ×3
Airsquat: 25, 25, 50
LSitChinUp: 7,7
Pullup: 12,11,11,9,8 (RFP Day13)
Run: 3.02km,  5:10min/km, ❤️142,
Run: 1.01km,  5:18min/km, ❤️142,

Miscounted RFP set 3 today & did an extra rep. Targeting a 5k run today at a 5:15min/km pace. But sidestepped on uneven grass to avoid a  f%&king phone zombie! Almost sprained ankle Killed the run rhythm... Recovered after short walk. Decided to continue with another 1km of   Alternate Lamp Post Sprint and call it a day. 

27 Jun 2024
Airsquat: 25, (GTG)
LsCU: 7, 7, 10, 10 (first 14 GTG)
Dips: 10, 10, 10
🐲🚩: 10, 10, 10
PU: 20, 20, 20
Yin Yoga
Pullup: 12,11,10,9,9 (RFP Day14)

Small workout in office before Yoga class
RFP session back home was good. Mess up rhythm of Set 01 but subsequent ones are ok. Thought I was imagining things past few days but definitely can feel stronger based on rep form/ feel today when compared to my normal daily pull sessions and IGPs of the past.

28 Jun 2024
LsCU: 8, 8, 8
🐲🚩: 10, 10
💎PU: 20, 20, 20
Office Gathering...home @ 2230
Pullup: 12,11,10,10,9 (RFP Day15)

Not eaten much for dinner. Day 15, 3rd day of week 3 RFP... this plus being later than usual added to fatigue level when pulling? About 3/5. Also was trying to do within same timing as yesterday for the 5 sets... today was 12:28min. Last few reps of last 2 sets are visibly weaker than previous 2 days.

29 Jun 2024
Stretch: 15min
0:38 & 2:05min Horse Stance
Run: 3.02km,  5:10min/km, ❤️142,
Pullup: 12,11,11,10,9 (RFP Day16)

Chiropractic consultation at lunchtime... do zilch till evening. Taking easy, preparing for tomorrow Qtrly 2.4km run

30 Jun 2024
Incl.💎PU: 30, 35, 25

Quarterly "No Training 2.4km" run
Run: 2.41km,  4:28min/km, ❤️142,

Pullup: 12,12,11,10,9 (RFP Day16)
Surprisingly easy for all sets today... little fatigue despite being the last day before rest day.

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