All Things "Pulling": 2nd round of RFP

As usual, there is always so much going on each month with different exercises, it's hard to focus on what to do next. While still staying with my "daily rep salad" of the few basic moves but decided to re-direct focus on pulling once again.

L-sit ChinUps

Really more of a self test to see where I am after 21 months ... Got to 13 decent reps (according to my self-set standard). Stopped before the form breakdown further. Could have eked out maybe another 2-3 more ugly ones but as usual, reminded myself there's no point in doing ego-reps.


Looking through my Instagram posts... the last AMRAP (As Many Rep As Possible) of 18 happened after a long tiring day after work last year. Watching again... it really wasn't done with the kind of standard I had in mind by now, especially in the closing 2-3.

For the last one plus year, having switched from high rep sets to lower regulated counts but added more sets daily, that kept volume roughly similar in order to reach the monthly quotas. Hence, for the longest time an haven't "all-out" max rep per set session hasn't been attempted.

This mid Jun to mid Jul 2024 lineup is the second time I'm giving the Russian Fighter Pullup program another go.

It's a proven method to increase pullup reps. Having used and recommended to others. All who follow through have seen improvement.

This time I started with a higher count at 10 max on Day 01. Mapping out the numbers-- this is a progressive overloading trend of just 1 more rep per day, with a rest after every 5 consecutive pulling days.

Not sure if the correct starting number this time was chosen. was mulling between starting with 11 or 12 on start day which would have ended with  either a double 15 or 16 in the first 2 sets on the last day... 

But let's see what my AMRAP shall be in on 14 Jul after this round which is...

Target:  Cross the 20th rep with decent form. 


Current max is still 18, tested again few days after starting on the program 

In any case, there were a few other takeaways from this one month. I "discovered" there are different kind of fatigue levels. Ones you feel too lethargic even to mount the bar. Yet upon gripping it's relatively easy to pull. Then there are those days when you came back all enthusiastic but only to have all the reps feeling crapped out no matter how much you try to focus when doing. The importance of taking rest days seriously in order to recuperate and come back stronger for the next 5 pulling days was very obvious in the energy level felt too... 

Training with sub-optimal conditions/ equipment/ setups.

My slightly wobbling pullup stand was the default station used for a few reasons. Most convenient for daily pull. But given the shakiness and constraint of the low false ceiling height, I can't focus on powering all out during the pulls (already hit head on ceiling a few times).

This moderation/ control during every rep meant using up more energy in coordinating, leading to faster fatigue (especially in the grip and forearm) than with say a pullup bar at fitness parks that are firmly planted into the ground. 

However it also meant that when going back to one of those-- I should be able to do a little better!  Theoretically!

Optimizing Grip Width

Halfway through the program, on Day 17-- I experimented with widening the grip width (31'-32'). It's harder on both counts in terms of the width and also the increasing reps day by day. Last day, having to go 14, 14, 13 in a form as compared to what I used to pull 3 max set is much better and stronger than anything previously done. Really hope it has been a true strength gain this past month.

Day 30 - put some marker on the bar and determined-- the best width would still be to go back to a ~27' width grip.



So I guess I was right about sub-optimal conditions when training. Actually did a test AMRAP on Day 09 which equals to last year's 18 rep. But being on wobbly bar at home, I thought it represented a slight increase in strength over this past 10 months although I haven't focus as much on pulling  compared to before.

Today I did one better than the 18... with19 rep on the second attempt today but have to say it's barely there with chin over the bar towards the ending rep.

Had a third attempt in the afternoon and hit the target goal of 20. But again it's not exactly how I would like the form to be especially in the last 3-4 reps.

Anything I can "blame"? Well maybe the sleep these last 2 nights over the weekend wasn't so good-- that might have some effect. But well, it is what is is. AMRAP of 20 not with the most stellar form is all I can muster for now.

...all 3 of the above attempts, 18, 19 and 20

Reflecting this past one month and today-- I'm probably moving back to another phase in boosting shoulder and arms brute strength next before coming back to further focus on the pulling-centric nature of my workout in general. 

Like with all evaluations made in the past-- it's always about identifying the current weakest point(s) and home in on these in order to make whatever the focus is even stronger.

All the reps and set done for this program except for Day 01 has been compiled into a playlist on Youtube.


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