Jul 2024 Training Log

Run: 0.00km,  0:00min/km, ❤️00,
🐲🚩: 0, 0, 0     (GTG)
01 Jul 2024
Rest Day (RFP Day18)
🐲🚩: 10, 10,    8 [wt. 2x1kg]
Bal.Board.Squats: 60
-ve🦐.Squat: 20
🦐.Squat: 20
NewTryOut: 🦐2πŸ”«2🦐.Squat:  7-8
02 Jul 2024
LsCU:  7, 7, 7     (GTG) 
Pullup: 13,12,11,10,9 (RFP Day19)
Incli.πŸ’ŽPU: 25, 25, 25, 25
DeficitPU: 20, 20, 20, 20
Kicking off 4th week with 13 and last day with single digit within a set.... its getting brutal. From here on, will try to maintain the daily 5 sets session within 16min instead of 12-13.

03 Jul 2024
🐲🚩: 12,  
🐲🚩: 10,10 [weighted. 2x1kg]
 -ve🦐.Squat: 10
DeadHang: 1:43 (warmup)
Pullup: 13,12,11,10,10 (RFP Day20)
[07 L-sitChinUp + 20 Dips] ×2
[07 L-sitNeutralPullUp + 20 Dips]
Arms fatigue carried over from yesterday. Today's pulling form is down... ~3.5 out of 5?

04 Jul 2024
AirSquat: 25, 
-ve🦐.Squat: 10
Chiropractic session @ Pinnacle
Slo-Incline.PU: 30 (warmup)
Pullup: 13,12,11,11,10 (RFP Day21)
Run: 3km, 5:47min/km, avg❤️132, max❤️142
Came back from chiropractic session before pull.
Level of form and pull effort felt similar to yesterday but considered fresher as this is day 3 after rest. But barely cleared the last rep of the last set. Maybe should have rested a little longer. Total time today 16:04min. The chiro session seems to have released some tension on the left trap/ neck area allowing smoother movement today. Short run at good pace today without putting in much effort. All numbers within targetted ranges for pace, avg & max HR.

05 Jul 2024
🐲🚩: 12,  
🐲🚩: 10,8 [weighted. 2x1kg]
LsCU:  7, 7     (GTG) 
Pullup: 13,12,12,11,10 (RFP Day22), 16:28min
Bend Elbow Straddle practice: 15mins
Woke up feeling sore at the back but not the usual dull aches. Not sure if it was from yesterday pull and run or the chiro session or combo of all... but definitely different. Neck tension almost gone.
Evening pull session felt a lot stronger today. Seems like energy flow is much smoother. Was thinking today would go back to 18 min session but end up about the same as yesterday and mostly reps in better form.. 16:28min 
06 Jul 2024
12:40 - 14:15pm
BarPressLsit: 12-15 sec × 10
ElbowDips: 10, 8, 10
Gym (Chest)
40kg × 15,   40kg × 10,   50kg × 10,  
60kg × 10,   70kg × 08,   70kg ×  08
36kg × 15,   54kg × 10,   73kg × 07
DBPress: [15⁰ incline]
22.5kg × 10,   27.5kg × 09,  32.5 × 06
27kg × 10,  36kg × 10
36kg × 10,  41kg × 10
18:10 - 18:40pm
Pullup: 13,13,12,11,10 (RFP Day23)

07 Jul 2024
Rest Day (RFP Day24)
LsCU: 7, 7, 7
Run: 5km, 5:56min/km, avg❤️129, m❤️146
08 Jul 2024
AirSquat: 50 
Pullup: 15,13,12,11,10 (RFP Day25), 16:10min.  1st 3sets, 39 in 7:51min
Airsquat: 50, 50, 50
First set of 14, one straight train, no pause. Probably could have reached 17 before needing a hang break. Came back late after chiropractic session 03, so was rushing thru a bit today with the RFP so that dinner won't end too late. Overall definitely felt stronger. Today is at 60 reps.... oops, 61. Did an extra rep in the first set ... 4 more days to go.

09 Jul 2024
LsCU: 7
AirSquat: 50, 50
01JumpMU.10.StrBarDip:  ×5
Pullup: 14,13,12,11,11 (RFP Day26), 17:10min
Wt Dips [+10kg] : 15, 15, 15
-ve 🦐Squat: 10
🦐Squat: 10, 10, 10, 10
LsCU: 7
AirSquat: 50
Incli.πŸ’ŽPU: 25, 25, 25
JMUtoSBDips was probably a bit too much as warmup before the pulling... didn't felt having as much strength in pulling today but still completed. 3 more days...

10 Jul 2024
🐲🚩: 12, 12
🐲🚩: 10, [weighted. 2x1kg]
-ve🦐Squat: 10
Pullup: 14,13,12,12,11 (RFP Day27)
🦐 Squat: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

11 Jul 2024
PullUp: 5, 3, 3
🦐 Squat: 10
PU: 20
Pullup: 14,13,13,12,11 (RFP Day28), 15:50min.  40in3 @ 7:32
IGP another 40in3 sets <8min, led to a rush mood... overall also a shorter duration for all 5 sets but end up with a couple of questionable last rep esp. last 2 sets

12 Jul 2024
🐲🚩: 15,
🐲🚩: 10, 10, [weighted. 2x1kg]
LsCU: 7
🦐 Squat: 10, 10
Pullup: 14,14,12,12,11 (RFP Day27), 

13 Jul 2024
Rest Day (RFP Day30)
Run3.02km, 5:31min/km, avg❤️147, m❤️172

14 Jul 2024
🐲🚩: 10, 12, 10
PullUp: 19, 19, 20, 13,  17 
15 Jul 2024
Hi PullUp: 6, 6, 6
Gym(Arms)@LunchHr  Workout01
superset [3.7.21.Bar.Curl]-[Dbl.DB.Tri.Ext]
[15.0kg × 21] - [2×10.0kg × 15]
[17.5kg × 21] - [2×12.5kg × 15]
[17.5kg × 21] - [2×12.5kg × 15]
superset [Incl.DB.Curls]-[DB.πŸ’€.Crusher]
[2×6kg × 10] - [2×6kg × 10]
[2×8kg × 10] - [2×8kg × 10]
[2×7kg × 10] - [2×10kg × 10]
[12.5kg × 11],  [15.0kg × 10],   [17.5kg × 08],  
HOME   Workout02 
superset [07.LScu + 10 Dips] × 5
πŸ’ŽPU: 20, 20, 20, 20
[18 lb × 10],  [27 lb × 10], 
Incline DB curls at 8kg almost failure at last rep of second set.  Dropping back to 7kg in set 3 was kinda "insuffiicent" although still taxing. Can feel more shoulder strains on left for bicep movement in general including hammer curls. DB Skull Crusher need to go heavier but need to find balance point for both arms. Same with Dbl DB overhead Tricep Extensions. Need to press dumbells together...
A start to many things from yesterday… “Guns & Shoulder” packing phase to supplement body-weight movements. Not bulking. Only using smaller to moderate weights today, first to correct and address left/right joints imbalances. Assess weakness and causation. Gym time during lunch hour is always a rush affair—trying out a Double Workout Days for overall daily intensity and refining volume in each session. Super-sets using antagonistic muscle groups are always awesome but still need to hit total load lifted faster to get back to work in time—estimated will need ~3-4 weeks to workup to shortened interval between sets while achieving sufficient load and keeping decent form.

16 Jul 2024
Floating🐲🚩: 10
Floating🐲🚩: 10, 10, [weighted. 2x1kg]
Run3.01km, 5:48min/km, avg❤️133, mx❤️145
2.0'ft-ledge.Jump.Squat: 10, 10, 10
2.5'ft-ledge.Jump.Squat: 10,
Pause-PullUp: 5, 5, 5
Still zonked out from yesterday's arms training at gym. Aborted from full session today.

17 Jul 2024
Gym (Legs)
Leg Extension
36kg × 18,  45kg × 15, 
54kg × 12,  59kg  × 10
60kg × 15,  80kg ×  15,  120kg × 10, 
[+20kg] : 10, 10, 10
[BW] : 10,   [20kg] : 8
PullUps: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 [strict]
DB.Tricep.Ext : 36lb × 20 × 2 sets

18 Jul 2024
-ve🦐.Squat: 10, 10
🦐.Squat: 10, 10
LsCU: 10, 8, 8
19 Jul 2024
GTG🦐.Squat: 10, 10 
BackRow[Bar] : 10, 10
JumpingMuscleUps: 5
Str.Bar.Dips: 10,10,10,10,10
BackRow[Rings] : 10, 10 
Ring Dips : 5, 5, 5, 5
"Z"-Dips : 10, 10, 10
superset 5LsitChinUp20Pushup × 4 
Another "too tired to workout" dayπŸ“Œ

20 Jul 2024
Run3.01km, 5:43 min/km, avg❤️123, m❤️141
Run3.01km, 6:07min/km, avg❤️136, m❤️143 
PullUp: 3
21 Jul 2024
13:10 - 14:55pm Gym (Chest)
PullOver: 10kg x 10,  15kg x 11, 12
Hi PullUps: 6, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8
Benchpress: 40kg × 15,   60kg × 12, 
70kg × 9,   75kg × 08,    80kg × 08, 
[30⁰22.5kg × 10,   27.5kg × 08,  32.5 × 03
[15⁰32.5kg × 06,   32.5kg × 7.5 
PullOver: 10kg x 10
Mach.ChestPress:  50kg × 10,  59kg × 08,
63kg × 08,   68kg × 5+3

DBPress @ 32.5kg-- CLOSE but no cigar again!. First set at 30 was unfamiliar territory/ angle.
Next one back at 15, mind not focus to push hard. Last set hit till 7th rep ok... But 8th rep total failure after lowering, just cannot push back up.

22 Jul 2024
PullUp: 5, 10, 10, 10, 10
superset [SingleDBPreach]-[EZ.Tri.Ext.sit]
[18.0lb × 08 - [26.0kg × 10]
[18.0lb × 12] - [26.0kg × 15]
[27.0lb × 07] - [26.0kg × 16]
superset [TriRopeP.Down]-[DB.Hammer]
[20kg × 18] - [27lb × 12]
[25kg × 16] - [27lb × 15]
superset [TriBarP.Down]-[DB.Hamme
[20kg × 14] - [27lb × 12]
[20kg × 16] - [00lb × 00]
[15kg × 10, 10, 10, 15] 

23 Jul 2024
LsCU: 7,7,7,7 
SmithBenchPress: 40kg × 10
DB.Hammer.Curl: 12.5kg x 15
7.5kg × 10,   12.5kg × 15
15.0kg × 12,  17.5kg × 10,  20kg × 08
PullOver: 10kg × 10, 10
Fwd.Bend.Side.Raises (Archbk45⁰)
4kg × 08,  3kg × 08,
3kg × 08,  2kg × 08
RoundhouseKick: 50
Raised.Pike.PU: 10, 10, 10
Dinner At TrueCost

24 Jul 2024  Sick 😷😡
Run3.01km, 6:28min/km, avg❤️119, m❤️125
25 Jul 2024  Sick πŸ€’  PullUp: 5 
26 Jul 2024  Sick πŸ€’πŸ€§πŸ˜΄
27 Jul 2024  Sick 🀧πŸ₯΄ PullUp: 5, 5, 5, 5
28 Jul 2024  Sick πŸ˜ͺ😷
Run: 1.07km, 6:05min/km, avg❤️108, m❤️132
PullUp: 10, 10,   10 
29 Jul 2024 ...Sick πŸ₯΄
superset :  7LsCU-30AirSquat  × 5
Dips: 15, 16, 15, 15
30 Jul 2024 ...Sick πŸ₯΄
-ve🦐 Squat: 10, 10
🐲🚩: 10, 10, 10, 10
PullUps: 10, 10, 10, 10
πŸ’ŽPU: 25, 25, 15+10
31 Jul 2024 ...Sick πŸ₯΄
JMU: 1 × 10,  StrBarDip: 15 × 5

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