2024 Jul Training Reflection

Jul saw the 2nd half of the Fighter PullUp program and AMRAP day on Jul 14. Max rep did move up from 18 to 20 but personally I wasn't satisfied with the form. 

In retrospect, it was a bit of a bad prep that messed things up. Firstly, maybe it would have been better to have more rest before the max pull attempt.

Anyway on the morning itself, made 2 earlier tries with the wobbly pullup stand at home. 

19 was the best attempt (previous max on the same stand was 18, tested on 22 Jun). Given shaking bar vs a good fixed one-- I knew with a latter, should be able to knock another 1-2 reps out.


The other problem was choosing the worst time in the day to do it again, 2pm and it was a hot day. Plus, over-chalking the hands made things a little painful on the palm and having to jump up on the bar... It might all seem minor but when going for broke-- every little thing counts!. 

Normally don't bother much because AMRAP or 1RM aren't usual things in my workout/ training repertoire. 

Lesson learned.

Even with all these reasoning and excuses-- I do still feel weak at the 20th rep. Need to find another way to increase/ improve pulls from here...

Last part of the month was down with a bad flu... Monthly quota of "Daily Salad" basically a sea of red.

Will do some catching up next month... especially with running mileage.

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