
Showing posts from August, 2022

2022 Aug Training Reflections-- Intermediate Goals

Started drafting this month reflections earlier. Re-reading what's was written, it seemed kind of repetitive to the contents of Jul Reflections . The progressions tracked on the daily log got to me somewhat. Ego? No, maybe close-- it was all about pushing harder each day with the various intermediate goals. But the ultimate goal remains :-  " To pack as much muscle mass while maintaining good flexibility and stability in combating the aging process. To optimally function in time, minimizing the possibility of being a burden to others by doing what I can maximally prepare from now on ".  Yet the initial Aug reflections was actually glorifying all about the intermediate goals... that's why it was deleted in case the fker, Ego, creeps up silently again.  Had to keep re-setting my intermediate goals almost at a rate of every 5-7 days in the last 1.5 months.  Max reps in pull-up sets went from 2, 4, 5-6, 7,8 to 10, then it was 12...13, until it was revised to "15in1...

Aug 2022 Training Log

1  01 Aug Breakfast at home. Mount 9 pullups in office... Pullup station hard to do properly. Will do before brekkie at home from now. 6 more before lunch 6pm- Pullups 8,5,5,5 - 23 weighted with 5kg vest. Total 38 pulls today... Bicep session... gone with all supination curls for incremental and dropsets... Harder than usual. Finish off with old fav, the "3-Seven-21" routine x4 sets with higher rep count for the first 1/3 💎PushUps- 20,30,30,30,20,10- 140..  last 2 sets to failure. Fk the dips... Done for day 02 Aug 10 Pullups  10 pushups. Breakfast.  Sleep score has been good lately but deep sleep still always low... try eliminate tea after dinner for a week. Hi-protein lunch.. carbing up at dinner for tomorrow... Dips in office -- 20 & 17 6pm: 3x30 TricepPulldown straight to Pullups with weight vest, 7,5,5,4...21  Can't seem to do the usual numbers. Feeling... .   Decide to forgo weight session today, just finish up with...  Dips: 20, 25, 2...