Friday, March 31, 2023

Apr 2023 Training Log

01 Apr 2023
Maintenance & Reflection day
PushUps: 222    (50 x 3 NormalPU,  25 x3 DPU)

02 Apr 2023
Deadhang: 1:08, 1:03, 0:39, 0:35,  0:35
PistolSquat Training: Raised -ve and Raised full.
🐲🚩: 7, 7, 10
LsCU: 7, 7, 7, 8
Pullups: 7, 7, 7, 7

03 Apr 2023
HB Pullups:  11, 12, 10, 8 (<8mins),  5,5,7,7,6
AirSquat:25 (warmup)
ShrimpSquats: 5/leg x 5 sets
Raised PistolSquat: 5/leg x 2 set
Left leg - Max 3 reps in 2nd set. Need to find optimal CG pt.
AirSquat: 35, 35, 35, 35
 💎PU: 25, 25, 25

04 Apr 2023

05 Apr 2023
Pullupss: 7x3,  
Pullups: 15, 9, 8, 8,   6,6,6,7,7,7
S-set - LsCU/Dips:  7/15  x4
🐲🚩: 7, 7
🦐Squat: 5/leg
R.🔫Squats: 5/leg  x3

06 Apr 2023
Workout in Office today
LsCU: 7, 7
🐲🚩: 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
Toes2Bar: 5, 5, 5
🦐Squat: 5/leg x 5sets
💎PU: 20, 20, 20
Yin YOGA-1hr 
Pullups: 12, 10

07 Apr 2023
Run 10.07km
🦐Squat: 5/leg
AirSquats: 35

08 Apr 2023
Deadhang: 1:20,  1:05,  1;06,  
Stretching, Cossack and Raised Split Squats

09 Apr 2023 
Pullups: 16, 12, 10,  +3
[15/15],  [15/15],  [15/ failure],  [15/7... to failure]
(5x🦐Squat/🦵, 5xLSCU,   5x🔫Squat/🦵) x3 sets
🐲🚩: 7, 10, 7
DIPS: 15, 15

10 Apr 2023
Deadhang: 1:10,  1:11,  0;53,  0:59,  0:45
45mins on Rings, various
💎PU: 25, 25, 25, 25
5x🦐Squat/🦵-continuous balance UNLOCKED.
Taking a break from pullup these 2 days to prep for Wed morning MU lesson

11 Apr 2023
Pullups: 8,8,8,8,8 (6:45min)
Run: 8.08km (0.55km of alt.lamppost.sprint)

12 Apr 2023
💎PU:25,25, 25
🐲🚩: 7, 7, 7
MU Training 1 hr
PT session (short but intense)

Today's takeaway for MU training:
Maintain good Hollowbody all the way (legs closed like PLF)
Hi Pull-- focus with elbows as much behind the body as possible
Timing of Pull, after swing back-- just at around directly below bar-- PULL! Explosively
(feel the inertia lift)

Negative Phase Training: Pullup-- lower down until head below bar and hold arms at 90 degrees
Bar Dips are essential.

13 Apr 2023
Pullups: 13

14 Apr 2023
Pullups: 8,8,8,6,4 (7:22min)
PikePU: 10x5
5x5🦐Squat/🦵-continuous x 6 sets UNLOCKED!
Time to move on to more

15 Apr 2023
Run: 12.77km

16 Apr 2023
Run: 8.02km
AirSquat: 35,35

17 Apr 2023
Shoulder recovery ex. 20mins
Lsit2Dip: 5 x 8sets
HBPullUps: 5 x 10sets
5🦐Squat/🦵x 6sets

18 Apr 2023
LSCU: 7,7,7,7
Run: 4.8km

19 Apr 2023
Shoulder recovery ex. 20mins
DeadHang:  1:13,  1:13,  1:05,  0:40,  0:47
Combo01 x 5 sets  5 HBPullUps + 7🦐Squat/🦵
Combo02 x 3 sets  5 HBPullUps + 5 R🔫Squat/🦵
Combo03 x 2 sets  5 HBPullUps + 35 AirSquat
💎PU: 20,20,20

20 Apr 2023
Run: 10.03km

21 Apr 2023
Deadhang: 1:20,  1:08,  0:58
Combo01 x 7 sets  7 HBPullUps + 7🦐Squat/🦵
Run: 5.01km
LSCU: 7,7,7
Dips: 10

22 Apr 2023
Run: 14.18km

23 Apr 2023
PikePU: 10,10,10,10,10
HBPullUps: 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
🐲🚩: 7,7,7,7,7
Combo 3 sets 5 L2Dips + 5🦐Squat/🦵
Combo 2 sets 5 L2Dips + 5🔫Squat/🦵
DIPS: 10,10,10,

24 Apr 2023
Shoulder Mobility 20mins
🐲🚩: 7,7,7
LsCU: 7,7,7,7,7
HB Flutterkick (vert): 1min x 3
Combo 5 x 5 HBPullUps + 15 💎PU
6 sets of 5🦐Squat/🦵
2 sets of 5🔫Squat/🦵

25 Apr 2023
LsCU: 7,7,7,7

26 Apr 2023
Shoulder Mobility/ Stretch: 15min
Deadhang:  1:25,  0:57,  1:00,  
Combo: 5 sets 5 HBPullups + 7🦐Squat/🦵
Combo: 3 sets TricepPulldowns + DB B.Curls
"9:30pmPushUps": 30,30,30

27 Apr 2023
Run: 8.03km

28 Apr 2023 (Company D&D)
Short office session
Pullups: 7,6,6
LsCU: 5,7,6,7

29 Apr 2023
Another MIMV session
HollowBPullUps: 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,6
💎PU: 25,25,25,25
DIPS (Str. Down): 10,10,10,10,10,10

30 Apr 2023
Stretching 10 mins
Nordic Curls x 20
🐲🚩: 10,8,3,8,3 (3 with 4.5kg ankle weights)
3 sets of 5🦐Squat/🦵
Combo: 3 sets of 15 Dips and 15💎PU
HollowBPullUps: 8,8,7,5,5,7,5,2
Run: 4.91km

2023 Mar Training Reflections


Last day of March, just a short Pull training session for the day and a tally of Q1 2023 "Daily Fundamental" summary

Another month has passed since Feb reflection. Things have largely remained similar with work travel taking away some training intensity plus a week from having a cold. 

Took extra effort during the recent one week trip to UK by having a daily session, however short, in the room or hotel gym this time. Tried out those short and sharp hi intensity programs I self-tailored to maximize effort in the quickest time. All about having consistency in training.

Form over Volume

Pullups: Overall pullup numbers has fallen from an average of 902/mth last year to 825/mth this Quarter. But mostly done with strict hollowbody form since getting the new pullup stand in Feb.

L-sit ChinUps is an improvement in holding up each rep better.

Dips: Greatest drop in vol of all the "fundamental" daily exercises but have kept to my usual balls-to-the-wall deep dipping whenever doing those though. 

PushUps: Still largely based on diamond pushups but a number of it this quarter is made up of PikePushUps... need to refine how and what I want to do in the next few months...

Squats: Numbers are normalizing. But by now the formula I started out with since last Oct -- 35 x 4 reps is getting too easy. Tried out some one legged squat variations including pistol squats since Feb. Again need to refine and work in more for squats/ legs routines.

Dragon Flags: Better consistency and more effort put in this year. The super arduous and hard to hold up a straight flag sensation of last Oct/ Nov is history. From here it would be extra effort to keep an even tighter and super strict form each time. Still struggling to find the "perfect" holding height especially with the yoga mat start slipping around underneath when doing at home.

Running: Hard to increase back up on my old mileage as run days usually means a lot less for other exercises.  Time is always a constraint :)

Skills training is lagging so far. Will concentrate one at a time. Back to focus more on muscle ups next...


And the following few months to come?


Mar 2023 Training Log

01 Mar 2023
L-SitChinUps: 7,8,7,7
Total: 29

Superset of (PullUp/Dips)
(8/10) x2,   (6/10) x1,   (5/10) x3
Total Pull: 37    Total Dips: 60
🐲🚩:  7,7,7
HollowBody Hold: 40sec x3
Total Time: 0:46:32

02 Mar 2023

03 Mar 2023
Pullups: 12, 8, 7, 8
💎PU: 25, 25, 25
Tricep Pulldown: 7-8 sets
Airsquats: 35,35,35

04 Mar 2023

05 Mar 2023
Still feeling drained... been a whole week
Pullups: 10,9,10,8 --first 3 set strict slow HB pulls
Squat: 35
GobletSquat: 25,25,25,25
Single Leg Squat:  ~15-20 in total
Dips: 10,10,10,10,10,10
💎PU: 25, 25, 25
Tricep Pulldown: 2 sets

06 Mar 2023
Run: 6.28km

07 Mar 2023
Deadhang: 1min, 1min, 40sec
Pullups: 40 in 7:53min
🐲🚩: 7,5,7,7,7
PistolSquat training

08 Mar 2023
L-Sit-ChinUps: 7,8,7,7,7,5 = 41 
PullUps: (Strict Hollowbody): 8,8,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 = 66
Superset A:  4 sets
15 Bicep Curls (7sec on Eccentic) 
Superset B:  3 sets
5 Hollowbody Strict ChinUps
15 Tricep RopePulldown (25kg)

Total Pulls: 122 reps

09 Mar 2023
@ Fty with JCB, late dinner
Pullups: 8,8,6 (slow HB)
10 Mar 2023
L-sitChinUp: 7
DB ShoulderPress x 6 sets
[5 HB Pullups]-[10 Dips]-[10💎PushUp] x 5
35 Airsquats & Walking Pistol Squats

11 Mar 2023
Stretch, 15Pushups and MU Training
Pullups: 10,12,8,8,8
🐲🚩: 8,5,8
Hot like F at Tampines Central Park... 
Pullups: 8,5,5,5
Airsquats: 35,35
FrogPose Training

12 Mar 2023
MU Training -- no vids but feeling is close to yesterday. Probably same mistakes.

[[6 HB Pullups]-[12 Dips]-[12 Normal PushUp]] x 5 sets (90 sec interval between set)
Pullups: 5,5,5,5

Total: 50 pulls
13 Mar 2023
Pullups: 11,8,11,9,  8,7,7,5
Superset: 7 LSitChinUp/ 25💎PU  x 4sets
Tricep Pulldown: 20-25 x 8sets

14 Mar 2023
Feeling Sick.. sorethroat/ cold
Pullups: 11,8,11,9,  7,7,5
Superset: LSCU/💎PU, 7/25 x 4
AirSquat: 35
ElevatorSquat practice

15 Mar 2023
Dinner with Meiji

16 Mar 2023
Still sick
Run: 6km
Pullup: 11,9,9,10
LSCU: 7x2

17 Mar 2023
Still sick
LsCU: 7,7,2
FlutterKick:  1x2min, 1x1min40sec
Pullups: 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5

18 Mar 2023
Pullups: 5, 8,10,10,7
14hr Flt to UK....

19 Mar 2023
Hotel gym @ Aloft Excel London
DBPress: 16-26kg, 20-8 reps, ~8 sets
CableFlies: 7.5-10kg 5 sets
🐲🚩: 5,7,7,7
💎PU: 20,20,20,20

20 Mar 2023
Exhibition Day1
Morning Room Workout
COMBO Stretching: 15mins
AirSquats: 35,35,35,35
1-Legged ElevatorSquats: 5/leg x 2 sets
PikePU: 10,10,10
💎PU: 20,20

21 Mar 2023
Exhibition Day2
Cablework with UniTree: Shoulder
Superset: 35AirSquat+20Pushup x 4
Sidekick Training.
🐲🚩: 7,7,7,9,6
Tricep Session

22 Mar 2023
Exhibition Day3
Short & Sharp
35AirSquat/ 25PU x 4

23 Mar 2023
Full day meeting+dinner with UniSnacks

24 Mar 2023
Superset: Bicep bias consisting of continuous/ drop sets. Triceps.. all mono pulldown sets of 15-20
Superset: 35AirSquat/ 25💎PU, × 3 sets
🐲🚩: 10

25 Mar 2023
Flt back from London. Home@8pm
Pullups: 10

26 Mar2023

27 Mar 2023
Pull day off to bad start... All Reps Down from usual. Tripled sets to compensate.

HB Pullups: 13,6,6,5,5,4,  6,6,5,5,3,  5,6,6,5,6,5,4 -> 101
L-sitChinUps:  5,7,7,7,6,5,5 -> 42
Total: 143
Almost call quits...

Superset: 15 Dips / 20 💎PU x 4sets
Airsquats: 35 x 4 sets

Not the best day but ok grind.

28 Mar 2023

35lb/s x20,  44lb/s x15,  53lb/s x15,  62lb/s x10

DBP Dropset
70lb x 6 > 53lb x 5 > 44lb x 5 > 35lb x 6 > 9💎PU... to failure

DBP continued
44lb/s x15,  53lb/s x12,  53lb/s x12,  62lb/s x10

💎PU: 20, 20, 25, 25
🐲🚩: 8, 8, 8, 8
Dips: 15
MORE Dips: 15,15

29 Mar 2023
Pullups: 12,8,9,7,4,4,4
L-sitChinUps: 7,7,7
Run: 6.01km (last km alt lamppost sprint)

30 Mar 2023
Biceps Day
S-set: 10 HB Pulls/10 ecc5s EZ curls x 5sets

dDBc 12x18lb x 2 sets
altDBc 8-10×27lb x 3 sets
alt🔨curl Dropset: 10x27lb>6x16lb x 3 sets
alt🔨curl: 6x35lb x 1, 
AirSquat: 35,35,35,35,35. (175)
Dips: 20,20,15. (55)

31 Mar 2023 
Easy Pull Day
Deadhang: 1:07,  0:43,  0:58,  0:56
L-sitChinUps: 8,8,8,8 (32)
🐲🚩: 10, 8,  8, 7, 6, 6   (45) with Pullups: 7, 7, 7, 4, 6, 4. (35)

Saturday, March 18, 2023



Tracking all the mistakes and fails...

 18 Feb 2023

11 Mar 2023

Leg has "kicked" downwards from the kipping which helped to push the upper body higher and hence the elbow at same level as bar. Key failure due to still too early rotation of body inwards in attempt to go over the bar while wrist is under rotated.

18 Mar 2023 

Same mistake as last week. Started the pull too early (when body is still way in front of bar)

This causes arms to start bending more immediately to counter and go upwards. The pulling up while still in a far forward arch causing the elbow for a need to bend- cuts away some momentum though overall its still going upward (becoming like a push-pull cancelling effect). Also didn't really think much about the control at the shoulders and back at this point...

...Practice more high pullups first

Slightly better today with the wrist... Elbow to grip at highest point (almost in line with bar) are all in a straight line... wrist not rotated downwards at extension

Biggest problem-- again forget to flip wrist for transition

... Practice more swingbacks and slight transition at lower height to get the hang


Saturday, March 11, 2023

2023 Feb Training Reflections

Running  a little late in writing up last month's reflection.... its already Mar 12 today.

Feb kinda went past in a whirl, with more disruption to daily workout routines due to a slew of short day/ overnight trips for work.

Setting out with new targets or at least ideas of different things to do for 2023 meant having to split up workout time to accommodate for everything... 

Strength training is still the main but there is Stability and Flexibility added now.

To optimize, I took on more bite size training whenever possible like,,,

"100min" Sole to Sole Tuck In" whenever on those 2 hour speedboat  trips for work. Have not started work on pancakes and harder stuff as I'm still  "breaking-in" further on the hamstrings, and glutes with basics.


Overall numbers for the "Daily Fundamentals" wasn't too shabby compared to Jan. Not trying to push for more every month at this point. Pushups and pullups were reduced but focusing more for good form in each rep. 

Pushups were also reduced as I started working more on PikePushUps which are more intense and hence accumulate less numbers than my usual diamond pushups. Sets starting from 8 that became 12 for Pikes as compared to my usual 25-30 for diamonds.

Pullups with more reps of strict hollow body these days (or as best I can strictly perform) also meant reps per set naturally decreased until I can work this back to my old numbers.

Abs are definitely getting taxed more going by the numbers in L-sit ChinUps and DragonFlags for Feb.


But somehow just got this feeling I wasn't doing "enough".... NOW this is where it's really important in having a log to track than relying on one's feeling, which are subjective and mood dependent as summary of Feb vs Jan below shows. 

Moreover Feb is 3 days shorter than Jan. Plus the "forced" breaks I had to take because some long work days outside with no chance to workout.

Yes, on those late travel work days-- Could have squeezed in a few sets here and there in the night. But I've been watching sleeping heart rates, hence I give those times a miss.

Tried the "Around The World" for the first time in end Feb... in preparation for my own version of a Murph Challenge to be done this year...  Tough!


Mobility, Pains and Strains...

Lower limbs flexibility is getting a little better. But mobility is not my strongest point especially around the shoulder, which is most crucial because it means there is a lot of moves/ skills I can't really execute properly now that needs all the strength and mobility in this area.

Just doing the very basics daily and at least is able now to go slightly behind the ears with outstretched/ intertwined arms overhead. 

Discomforts now are kind of hard to pin down between post workout soreness and what might actually be attributable to being chronic. Some days there is nothing at all but after a session it comes back quick. Not too aggravating but have to monitor further... elbows, forearms and starting with the left shoulder again. 

Another rotator cuff pinching acting up?