Tuesday, November 29, 2022

2022 November training Reflections

Two tweaks in October that wasn't eluded much:
  • Kickstart lower carb intake. Not quite the full keto kind of severely restricted amount but certainly total carbohydrate as a macro nutrient in daily meals has been reduced.
  • Strict Form Training/ Reps"Don't Count Reps. Make Every Rep Count" is the new daily self-reminder.



Aug/Sep, daily fluctuation was mostly between 72.5 to 73.5kg

Oct/Nov- Full day fluctuation range is 73.3 - 75.0kg... usually at 73.5-73.7kg in the morning.

I'm not  concerned with weight going up at this point. In fact weight gain is expected if sticking to the training regime. Hence I have re-set a new weight target at 75 +/-0.5kg, estimating with expected muscle gains and fat loss from: 

  • ~1kg of bodyfat reduction from current baseline of 73.5kg
  • ~1kg Muscle gain from legs with new add on daily base-training exercises
  • ~0.5-1.0kg? from arms and upper body after returning to pre-injury intensity with weights

Previously, at the start of resistance training in Apr-- my goal then was to return to a 72-74kg range but not knowing what exactly was wanted or how I was gonna train etc. It was just a number back then.


Counting calories has never been a part of things tracked. During the period of 2020-Apr 2021, it was more or less a caloric-deficit then as compared to now. Lessening carbs these days is not equated with calorie-deficit as is made up from higher proteins and fats intake.

 In fact if anything were to be measured, I'm probably ingesting more especially in the last 2 months after going on this "keto" thing.

This video gives a slightly different view from others. The point of interest iss how caloric deficit from food is not linear to weight loss over time. Not something new, but while watching I recalled on the subject and it started to click on how everything works... A more holistic perspective.



As strength training took precedence, cardio sessions have dropped and average HR crept up slightly... I kept thinking it is my problem, the HRM watch issue or?

Just re-read something on Chi Running and realized that in the past few months my form has regressed. While I still remember what to do with the legs, body and head but its my hands that has gotten wayward.... Recalling now, at least in the past few runs, its mostly static and had not been moving, aka "flowing" as it should be in this style of running.

Ok- time to self-check and see if I can make some improvement over the next few runs...  

11 Nov 2022 A comparison between July's "2.4km" timed run and one I did this week-- Got better this time around, shaving almost 1/2 minute off to 12:03 (vs 12:30 in Jul). But still havent done much for my usual 6km routines. 

Road to Elbow Recovery- L-sit ChinUps

Another "discovery" which is kinda ironic, seems the very exercise that was at least a significant part leading to the Golfer's Elbow injury by has now become a very effective exercise therapy for the final portion to full recovery... Chin Ups!

Damn! The very first rep did hurt like a b*t^h though... so did the second and the 2 third...  But by the 5th rep-- suddenly that aching tension dissipated on the first day!

Cranked out 5 sets of 5,5,7,5,5, total of 27. And followed by 36 pullups

And started to add Chin Ups daily because its easier to hold an L-sit vs L-sit Pullups; for the sub goal of intensifying core training. 

The bonus was after a few days, I realize the morning ache and pain that usually accompanied the right elbow is mostly GONE! Probably a combination of things were happening here... Firstly, another sub goal as highlighted above was "not count reps and make reps count"-- that meant doing every rep of every exercise slow and controlled while not having any fast/forceful  momentum.. SLOW REPS

Together with consistent working out on the joint while trying to hold the best L-sit to slowly stretch and strengthen probably led to the best mix-and-match discovered accidentally.

This 3 became an addition to my stable of 4 "Daily Side Dishes" exercises... and next came an increase to 7-8 reps/set from the initial 5/set. I try to keep it to just 4-5 sets or so at first, but like all things done on the pullup bar-- the numbers kept going up really quick.

Taking The Plunge

Took a "dive" and decided to see how far I can go with a headstand on parallettes... But reckon I will stick to my daily fundamental exercises intensity until year end for before attempting  a more specific program for Hand Stand Push Ups,(HSPU) , MuscleUps (MU) or Planche progression...

New toys arrived, the UniTree gadget and OMRON KaradaScan HBF-375, but first...


Being the El Cheapo as usual, bought the Omron off cheap from Amazon.sg, courtesy of the heads-up by usual suspect and good friend, Tiny.  Realized that everything was in Japanese upon unboxing, which I had to spend some time translating with Google Translation till the English manual link was found this morning.

This is not the latest bell-and-whistle flagship gadget with Bluetooth connectivity to a phone app :(  which meant having to go back to my usual cave-man mode of manual data entry in Excel spreadsheet... for long term tracking.
First summary averaged from 3 reading yesterday...

Overall numbers mostly says it normal or near-average range. Visceral Fat has no units-- but on checking the manual to find out more, it says:

So I'm right at the low end of the "high" level for visceral fat now, but tolerance has not been taken into account on the machine. Health wise from bodily measurement, I reckon it's at a safe level as an Asian like myself compared to say standards/ numbers taken from a Western lifestyle/ diet which are the kind of numebers and statistics derived on studies done.

Guess it's taking down more data over the next few months to work out on tolerance/ accuracy before deriving at more in-depth analysis of my numbers to make the most sense out of it.

and to sum up this month's numbers...

Yes, its a lot more head-over-the-bar because of the additional L-sit ChinUps this month.

Ok it's getting long and winding... let's see what Dec will bring...



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Nov 2022 Training Log

01 Nov 2022
Supposed Rest Day

🐲F/ Squats: 7/35,  3x 10/35
πŸ’ŽPU: 2 x 30, 1 x 25.. Full Squeeze

02 Nov 2022
Pullups: 11,9,9,7 (<9min)  8,7,7,7 (<8min) =65
DIPS:  25,25,25,20 (10min)  
(20+5), (20+5), (16+5+4) = 170
Triceps Pulldown: 7-8 sets of 20s

03 Nov 2022
Pullup 10, 8, 7, 7, 6, 5 = 43
DF:  2x 10/35, 2 x 8/35, 
45 min Abs and Stretch (office)

04 Nov 2022
Run: 8.01km ... Zone 2-3 training.
avg ❤️HR: 131,  Max❤️HR: 149

05 Nov 2022

06 Nov 2022
Run: 2.41km in 12:30
Pullup: 14,10,8,7 in ~7:50min
πŸ’ŽPU: 4x30
1/2-fk "TuckedPlanche" Dips: 3x10
DIPS: 20, 15, 16
🐲F/Squats: 3 x 8/35,   1 x 10/35

Was expecting ham and glutes to start cramping up as still not really back to normal after last Thu session
Strangely nothing and in fact ALL 🐲F done today can be executed with strict form and less fatigue than usual... hmm

Today's "No Training" Quarterly 2.4km Run was 20+ seconds faster than last one in Jul...  Avg and Max HR is also lower.

07 Nov 2022
Slight Change-- make this a "limbs-focus" month of training followed by abs work... More cardio needed.

L-sit Chin ups: 5,5,7,5,5
Pullup: 11,9,8,8 (9mins),  7,7,6
🐲F/Squats: 2 x 10/35,   1 x 9/35

08 Nov 2022
L-sit chin ups, 7,7,7,7,7  (8mins)
Pullups: 8,8,7,5 (7mins)
1 hr Triceps
PushUps: 10,20,25,25

Rough plan in the morning was to have planche and HS training followed by arms workout.. End up triceps alone already took me till dinner time... had to 're-learn' some of the tricep exercises and didnt really get too much full contractions and time under tension as I would have liked...

09 Nov 2022
L-sit ChinUps: 7,8,7,8,7,6

EZ bar loaded to 5.5kg per side. Slow sets of narrow and wide..
Right elbow no pain. Left shoulder (bicep tendonitis) seems to be gone as well...

10 Nov 2022
Morning "WakerUpper" (in office)
🐲Flag/Squat:  8/35 x 2 sets...and some pushups

Start of "110% Focus Strict Form Reps in Everything"
L-sit ChinUps: 8,8,8,8 (10mins)  7,7,6 (7min)  4 reps discarded
Dips: 20,20,20,16,9,7,9,5,3.9 (9.5min) + 15,11
30sec rest interval in set 1-4... remainder 5-8 sec rest. Final 2 sets back to 30 sec.  "3.9"- last rep was an inch away from full elbow lockout at top
πŸ’ŽPU: 20, 20, 20, 20
All 80 balls-to-the-wall 100% pec and cores contraction reps. Time to also increase resistance with wt. vest.
🐲Flag: 8 (calf cramp-ish from foot hyperextension... abort)
Air Squats: 35,35,35,35 (time to up resistance with more goblet squats or increase reps/set)

Total Workout time: 66mins

11 Nov 2022
Break day: 2 x 7 L-sit ChinUps after Dinner

12 Nov 2022
Thundery Day-- did some planche progression training and a bit of stretching
Impromptu-  going into a headstand on parallettes. 
Need stronger core and shoulder/ scapula strength and mobility
Alt Pullup/ L-sit ChinUps:   10,7,10,7

13 Nov 2022
Stretching 45min. Tried out assisted Nordic and Reverse Lotus Glute Flex taught by wife

"Park-"Core" @ fitness corner with Niku
Pullup: 15,8,8,8
πŸ’ŽPU: 25,25,25,20
L-sit ChinUps: 5,6,7,5

🐲F/Squat: 3 x 8/35 (manage to do a few strict reps on last set with heel-touchdown but ass still floating)

Dips: 20, 19

14 Nov 2022

15 Nov 2022
L-sit Chin Ups 8,7,8,7 (7mins) 7,6,5,5 = 53
Pullups: 8,7,6,5 L-sit Pullup: 4 Total: 30

1x9-(62lb)  Back on 62lb press after 2 months elbow recovery

Resistance Band Flies: 4 Sets

Dips: 20, 20, 16 ..all with weight vest

🐲Flag/Air-Squats: 8/35 x 2sets
1st set full 8 reps - "Straight Line 🐲
2nd set only manage first 5 as Straight Line
Need to re-assess if its effective with hyper-extension forming and arch at back or better to do hollow-body which lowest angle will still be ~10+ degrees off horizontal while butt still on hover.

16 Nov 2022
Felt a bit of an overload from last nite...
L-sit ChinUps: 9,8,7,8 (<8min), 7,7,5 = 51
Light Biceps (more sets than previous session but still light-medium loads)

Slight rep increase overall for L-sit Chinups and bettr control for all initial reps in each set but still far from having "perfect set" completed.

17 Nov 2022

Time to go easy today... down rep/set & add "Core+ Remix" and see how it feels...

🐲🚩: 9,8 - ... to horizontal
Pullup: 5, (11,9,8), 8,6
L-Sit ChinUps: 5,5,5,5,6,5
🐲🚩: 7,8

Dip+LegRaise Superset: (15+15) x 3set
Gob Squats (27lb): 25 x 3set
Air Squat: 35 x 2set

Total: 69 mins

Morning-- right elbow felt even less dull aching than after finishing bicep session last week...
the chronic ache at the condyle also seem to have been reduced by now.

18 Nov 2022
24 L sit Chin Ups in office, Dinner @ Himawari

19 Nov 2022

20 Nov 2022
Feeling lethargic.. some shoulder press and 35 reps of Air Squat to start
Tryout Ring L-sits.

Pullups: 12 -- tryout "Ice Cream Maker".. Pullup lower into a Front Lever. TotalLY FAIL @ lever.

Pullups: 14,9,6,8 (8 mins), 8,7,6+6,
L-sit ChinUps: 7,6,6,7,6,7

RingPU: 15,15,15,15,13 - last set to failure
πŸ’ŽPU: 25,25,23 - last set to failure

🐲🚩/Air Squat: 10/35,  10/35,  8/35

6.08km Run

Highest no. of Pulls in a Day: 115

21 Nov 2022
Pullups: 14,10,9,7
L-sit Chinups: 5,5,5,5
L-sit Pullups: 4,3

RingPU: 20,20,15,15

Tricep Pulldown: 
2x20 (15kg)
2x20 (20kg)

22 Nov 2022
Pullups: 13,12,9,8 (9mins), 8,7,6 (9 mins), 3,6
L-sit ChinUps: 7,7,7,7
TOTAL: 100 head above bar day

Wife hurrying me for dinner..

DIPS: 25, 23... to failure ( in 2min 52 sec)

23 Nov 2022
@ factory -Biomass Project
PullUps: 15,8,8,8
L-sit ChinUps: 8,7
🐲🚩: 8,7

24 Nov 2022
@ factory -Biomass Project
PullUps: 3 (maybe because early morning, but decide not to strain shoulders) 
πŸ’ŽPU: 25,25,25 (morning)
πŸ’ŽPU: 30,30,30 (evening when back home)

25 Nov 2022
Pullups: 10

26 Nov 2022
Pullups: ((11+9+8+7)+(8+7+6)) + ((8+6+8+6)) =84 
First 35 pulls with weight vest (<7 mins)

L-sit ChinUps: (7+6+7+7+6)+(8+8) =49
Total : 133 (highest no. of bar over head till date)
RingPU: 20,20,15,20,14
🐲🚩/G-Squat:  8/35, 8/35

27 Nov 2022

28 Nov 2022
PullUp: 10, 10, 10, 9, 8 = 47
L-sit ChinUps: 5,5,5,5,7,7 = 34

Dips: (17,5,3,5), 20,20,20,20 = 110
(Weighted Dropset to Failure, 10kg, 7.5kg, 5.0kg, BW)

πŸ’ŽPU: 20,25,20

29 Nov 2022
Run: 8.27km
PullUp: 12,10,10,10 (all wide)
Definite way easier than usual shoulder width grip
πŸ’ŽPU: 25, 25

30 Nov 2022
Pullups: 6, (12,12,9,9,8)
L-sit ChinUps: 7,5,5,7,6
AirSq: 35, DGobSq(18lb): 35, 25
DIPS: 20,20,20,6,7

Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 11/6/22 8:44 PM Permalink Location Options Post: Edit Preparing preview

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Minimalist Training


Life is never static. Our decisions will be influenced one way or another. Many of my friends by now would have noticed the changes in my social media posting even though it's not always frequent with the "re-surrection" of strength training since Apr this year

The pandemic and subsequent WFH has gotten me to start running. A lot. But that didn't neede a lot of extras. a good pair of running shoe until the mileage is up and then comes in another pair. Doesn't take up too much space in the house. A smart watch in 2021 to start tracking heart rate. A first for me. Otherwise everyday I was just tracking my mileage on and Excel file and plotting on online map each time to get the distance after a run. Tedious but a nice exercise as my mind goes through each section and recalling how it felt and what I could have done to improve etc... 

Apparels didn't add much to the wardrobe either.. Couple of tank tops and shorts from Decathlon. Oh socks.. yea those only have so much life in them so there a couple more pairs than all other things add together.

Fast forward to Apr 2022.. after losing almost 13kg from 2 years of running and a calories deficit diet for most days... the realization dawned on how weak I have actually become. Sure, my cardio was right up there but trying to do a proper pullup seems impossible. Hard for some who can never perform pull up all their life to imagine why. But coming from my abilities from younger days, it was simply an unacceptable situation

Next I Googled around about muscle mass/ strength loss and training-- the word "Sarcopenia" pops up.  I became paranoid as  I read on.

Apr 9- started Day 1 of my come-back to strength training... since 1995! I stopped and was at my peak belting out 225 pounds for bench press and still easily do 20+ pull ups at a go.

All I had at home is pictured above but minus the gymnastic rings, palallettes and weight vest. The weights had been lying around since I barter trade some stuff with Eddie and Lewis.

No bloody idea what I need or wants to do... Searched my memories of how and what I did during younger gym-rat days. 

Bicep curls were excruciating because of a pinched rotator cuff but most weight exercises I was simply wobbly and lacking core stability.

In short-- my body was 3dit 4dit and a 2dit dah--- Morse Code for "SHIT"

Fast forward-- 2 months mostly working out with my adjustable dumbbells --I finally got the courage to go and mount the pull up bars again. 

4 -- on 25th Jun

Yes, just 4 but it was a big improvement over 2+ months ago. From there it was just a whole series of intermediate goals I set each time to achieve and improvement came in quick and fast. At the same time I changed nutrition plans and went heavy into protein and no more of the calorie deficit regime. 

I was down from 80kg- to 67.5kg during the running-- and my goal was to get back up to ~74kg with fat loss and muscle gain at the same time.

Next I discovered the world of Calisthenics... before that I only thought of the word and associating it with mundane things like push ups, pull ups and dips etc. Boy, was I ever wrong... 

Ok  exercise is probably the best overall word and some will say its like trying to divide tofu and call it different things like pylometrics, calisthenics, pilates or tabata etc... not arguing here.. but I started to get interested in more advanced moves like planches, muscle ups, dragon flag etc

All of these requires certain amount of higher muscle strength and or mind-body connection to perform.

But I was still pushing out with the dumbbells and a tricep pull down rig on the doorway pull up bar.


It  just never occurred to me what I was really training for. What are my priorities? Sure... to get bigger and better shape than before...