2022 October Training Reflections

1 Been roughly two month since turning weekly "trainer/ coach" - conducting an hour plus of class each Thursday in office. Having literally no idea what to do initially. My own daily exercising has never been any strict regimented programs; outlined with exact sets, reps etc. It has all been one big long experiment from the start. While my "Daily Trinity" of Pulllups, Diamond Pushups and Dips forms the base of each day's load/ intensity with other exercises--truth is, even for these fundamentals, its been a never-ending series of changes and adaptations as new discoveries and observations/ realizations are made -- almost daily at times. Personally, being disciplined with core training has never been much of a regular affair either. Since definitions in these muscles comes naturally without much actual focused training. Most of my cores are indirectly trained because of the constant contractions applied while doing other exercises to maintain stability during ...