2022 The Mind-Body Transformation

Just find it's rather distracting taking pics all the time though that's an essential part of charting progression. Chopped up whatever was on the phone for the above which I reckon pretty much sums things up No, its definitely not some earth shaking transformation or social media influencer type commercial posting with a title like " How to gain 50 pounds of muscle mass in 10 months " or "Losing 200 pounds in 1 year". Physical aesthetic was one of the main initial motivation to get back into fitness but as things progressed... ...my long term personal fitness SMART Goal has been changed and remained since penning it down as: To minimize the possibility of being a burden to anyone in time by maximizing on fitness and good nutrition on a daily basis from now on. What follows is a really monotonous wordy account on making these life-changing decision(s).. A journey of many things learned. Mistakes made leading back to ever more researching and discovery ...