
Showing posts from December, 2023

Chest Workout & Myorepping (II)

 As usual, things keep changing, the Chest and Myorepping article was a spinoff from the Creatine series... Today is the second writeup on Chest program at the gym. It turns out to be more difficult than first thought. As such, I added another table that removes any warmup and machine exercises data out of the equation. Overall the raw data table... Orange = last rep close to failure. Red = failure point   Chest Day Main Course Progressive overload on BenchPress myorepping is via increasing reps and sets rather than weight now.   For DumbellPress its all three :- weight, sets and load but it won't be happening all at the same time with each successive session. Yesterday just happened to be a good day to nail all three.   PullOvers aren't exactly a main exercise but has been inserted to open up the various muscle and help re-set the shoulders and scapula after all the pressing motion.    The Round the World ( RTW ) is really more of an endurance-...

2023 Nov Training Reflections

    November, a month of Dragon Flags, Dragon Flags and more Dragon Flags. Decided to do a full month of 30 reps for 30 mornings. Only realized much later that I had been doing it wrong in the past one over year.  At least the base strength from what I had been doing served well when the form was corrected. But would have to regress a little in terms of the reps/ set... probably gonna take another month to comfortably get back to the usual 10/set x 3... The issue is being unable to gauge the body-legs alignment when doing which often ends up with a more than desired hinging of hips towards the end of a set.  As the ROM is considerably lesser with the body-legs in a straight line, in a bid to do "more" that's where the hip hinging occurs. 7-8 is about all the max good form reps that can held at this point before the scapula and hand grip slips thus having at least to re-set before continuing. Anyway the whole point of more DF is using that to stage and prep for other ...