2023 Dec Training Reflections and Yr Summary

This month reflection is a little longer as it's a recap of the entire year, not just Dec 2023 Last day of the year looked like this. 600 PushUps and 125km short... morning of 31 Dec 2023 Wished it ended with a bang completing everything on my "Daily Salad" menu... but the "outstanding" pushups were all that were done. Any attempt for even one last regular 6km run was aborted because of the weather. Looking back-- it's time to ask myself what's done, changed, improve and or regressed in this past 12 months?.. . on the things set out/ written down to do during 2023 Quite a list while things kept changing or added on as the months went by... While the year saw me getting into a lot of weird stuff, the daily logging of the 6 fundamental exercises and running helps to foster the most important aspect for 2023 . CONSISTENCY With this one word I don't need to look and think of "Discipline", "Motivation" and a whole other array of f...