BD Murphy Challenge

Finally or dreadfully? -- The birthday month is here again. Was contemplating a Murph Challenge for the longest time. Started thinking about it again and started working out mentally what is needed... a "No Training" Birthday Murph Challenge. To be honest, I wasn't very convinced if I could make it. Then there is the consideration of doing just bodyweight or with a 20lb vest. And how to load it up to 20lb as my fixed vest at home is only 5kg (11lb). "No training" just means it will be relying on whatever has been built up from my daily workouts of the past 2 years. No specific training for the challenge. Kinda like what was done for my first Spartan Sprint last year. Comparing to the Spartan event last August, the assessment is having better strength endurance, helped by less chronic injury baggage by now. Namely the left shoulder and both elbows. In a way these "no training" self-challenges is justa way to gauge how far the consistency of regular wor...