2024 Jun Training Reflections

It's Mid Year Tracking and Accountability time again. As with last couple years since it started, there is more stuff logged down separately but my tabulation of exercises for daily, basics/fillers aka "The Daily Salad" remains. This year I'm still largely sticking to ~1 hour a day for main daily session except when at the gym which usually last around 2hrs. Rest of the time is filling in each day with micro-dosing or "greasing the grooves" as usual. Bodyweight and weighted overall still comprising the bulk of workouts at about 80%. Gym weight training, ~10% and running ~10% Didn't change the various Rep Goals much from 2023 because with the addition of gym time and other activities like Yoga, it's not practical to try and ramp up the numbers just for the sake of "increasing" numbers. Moreover, it's getting harder too, in terms of variations done for these basic exercises or the progressive overloading involved versus last year. E....