
30 Days of Running

Another month long affair completed. 30 Days of consecutive Running. This isn't so much about running itself, rather a re-wiring of the brain to do something I dislike, hitting the pavement first thing in the morning in a fasted state. Took a few days forcing myself out of bed at six in the morning to lace up and gun for each run immediately. About a third were done in the evenings. Wet mornings or simply due to schedules made it hard to strictly keep it to all pre-dawn runs.  Anyway it was more about not skipping a day... until DAY22,  28 Sep. But this was a tech break. Had my "Quarterly No-Training" 2.4km speed test run on the 29 Sep. The break was needed from the cumulative stress on the quads from the past 3 weeks... Neuro-muscular fatigue was REAL, not forgetting that the runs are additional to my other daily strength training workouts. Wasn't quite enough to recover with just one day for something like the 2.4k but still managed to get 1 second faster than my la

Oct 2024 Training Log

LsCU: 0, 0, 0, 🐲🚩: 0, 0, 0      (GTG) Run: 0.00km,  0:00min/km, avg❤️000, m x❤️000   YOGA superset : 0, 0   01 Oct dMr25 : 3.63km, 6:10/km, avg❤️ 122 , mx❤️ 135 MU: 0,0 ,1,3, 0 ,2, 0 ,2, 0,0,0 PullUp: 10, 10, 10 LsCu: 7 02 Oct Dip : 20,10 (warmup),    Dip [ +20kg ]: 10 Dip [ +30kg ]: 10, 8, 8, 8 dMr 26 : 5.00km, 5:45/km, avg❤️ 136 , mx❤️ 146 💎PU: 25, 20, 20 03 Oct dMr 27 : 3.01km, 6:03/km, avg❤️ 123 , mx❤️ 141 LsCu: 7, 7, 7, 7 Yin YOGA superset  : 12. WidePullUp •20 💎PU   ×4 04 Oct dMr 28 : 4.65km, 5:50/km, avg❤️ 130 , mx❤️ 145 Dinner outside PullUp: 10, 10 05 Oct dMr 29 : 5.01km, 5:23/km, avg❤️ 136 , mx❤️ 155 PullUp: 10 06 Oct Dips: 15. Elbow Dips: 5, 5, 8 MachineChestPress: 50kg × 10 MuscleUp: 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 PullUp: 12, 12, 10, 9 [ 6: 04min ] DBHammerCurl:  12.5kg × 10 DBPress: 25kg × 08 dMr 30 : 6.01km, 5:40/km, avg❤️ 129 , mx❤️ 146 Called off gym session.. neuromuscular fatigue arising from consecutive running is REAL !... affecting upper strength and ability to conc

2024 Sep Training Reflections

Sep 01 was the day a plateau was cracked with the 32.5kg Dumbbell Press... 2 sets of 9 reps. A weight I've never moved beyond since the first try in Dec 2023. Told myself, I won't pickup the next ones at 35kg until I can do at least 8 decent reps at 32.5kg consistently. Pulling PR AMRAP at 22 this time, 2 reps more than last month and a 40kg 1RM,detailed here Most surprising was the carried over strength increase from all the pull training resulting in the first ever MuscleUps on Sep 11 . So how did all the PRs and achievement came so fast one after another in the span of just 2 weeks? I really have to attribute it to those month long RFP,  Russian Fighter PullUp training undertaken between mid Jun- early Sep this year. My own accounts of the RFP here . Adding onto the month was a mental training of sort. Waking up each morning doing a fasted 5km run. No big deal except it's totally out of my comfort zone in the early hours of the day and running fasted. Scheduled for 30 d

First MuscleUps... 11SEP24

 Hot on the heels of the pulling PRs... came the first MuscleUps on 11 Sep 2024  1, 3, 3 ...and tried doing some at "Teletubbie Bar" next day... kinda harder and can only manage 1 more each time after a jumping MU    

All Things "Pulling": RFP Round 3- Weighted

~3 weeks after the last Fighter Pullup program detailed here , plans to go ballistic on arms and shoulders brute-strength training was de-railed once again... ...Another impromptu decision was made to commit one more month to , yes.... more pulling. This time with weighted [+10kg] reps. Again, the difficult part was determining how many reps to start with... always mindful of how the final week's numbers would look like. Mentally assessing the feasibility and strength capability. Browsing through the log of all weighted pullup sessions done previously... decided Start Day (6 Aug) to go with just a modest 8 reps. 9 would mean ending the last week with starting sets of 13 reps! Honestly I don't think that highly of myself to be able to pull through such numbers... At 12, it's probably my max.  With +10kg weighted pullup so far, I'm usually just doing 7-8 reps. This time I'm already starting at this range from Day 1, so...   This time more daily detailing were added t

Sep 2024 Training Log

01 Sep 2024 Stretch: 30min (PnF Forward Split ) PullUp : 5,    Dips : 10, 10, 10 WeightedRFP Day27,  [ ~20:21 ] PullUp [ +10kg ]: 12, 11, 10, 10, 9 Lsit.ElbowDips : 4, 4 ElbowDips : 10, 10 GYM (Chest-lite) PullOver: 10kg × 15 Mach.Sh.Press: 32kg × 25 Smith.Incl.Press:  50kg × 12,  50kg × 10,   70kg × 12,  80kg × 04 DBPress: 22.5kg × 10,  27.5kg × 12,   32.5kg × 09,   32.5kg × 09 Run : 3.00km,  5:15min/km, avg❤️141 Redemption after yday sh!tty training. Up the LsitElbowDips to 4 but need to work on form now. Finally hit the 32.5kg DBPress goal of 8/set. Twice! 02 Sep 2024 🐲🚩: 12, 12, 12 🦐Squat: 10 LsCU: 7, 7 WeightedRFP Day28,  [ 20:32 ] PullUp [ +10kg ]: 12, 11, 11, 10, 9 Call it a day after pulling. Lack sleep last nite. Energy.drained... Also feeling DOMS at distal end of biceps these 2 days... minor but is a sign to deload after one last day tomorrow. 03 Sep 2024 LsCU: 10, 8 ☠️CrusherPU: 10, 10 JMU•10SBDips × 3 WeightedRFP Day29,  [ 21:36 ] PullUp [ +10kg ]: 12, 12, 11, 10, 9 Run

2024 Aug Training Reflection

This month emphasis is again on Pulling! One more round of the Russian Fighter PullUp program but weighted this time. Starting week was mostly a breeze as rep numbers are low. Got me thinking if I chose too low a number to start with. But like the last round-- can begin to "feel" it by Week 3. Week 4 was definitely tough and slugging out Wk 5 that cuts across into the first 3 days of Sep would definitely need some work on focusing hard to slug it out with good reps.. or whatever is as best as possible. In a way, some main objectives on strength and strength-endurance has been achieved. Definitely can sense being much stronger in doing most other things because of the program. No injuries either. In fact getting better recovery despite much higher volume/ intensity. Actual AMRAP and PRs to be tested in Sep... these are just some numbers.. Important thing is that this training phase carries a lot of functionality over to everything else. Updated the numbers for my Pulling Analy