2024 Jun Training Reflections

It's Mid Year Tracking and Accountability time again. As with last couple years since it started, there is more stuff logged down separately but my tabulation of exercises for daily, basics/fillers aka "The Daily Salad" remains. 

This year I'm still largely sticking to ~1 hour a day for main daily session except when at the gym which usually last around 2hrs. 

Rest of the time is filling in each day with micro-dosing or "greasing the grooves" as usual. Bodyweight and weighted overall still comprising the bulk of workouts at about 80%. Gym weight training, ~10% and running ~10%

Didn't change the various Rep Goals much from 2023 because with the addition of gym time and other activities like Yoga,  it's not practical to try and ramp up the numbers just for the sake of "increasing" numbers.

Moreover, it's getting harder too, in terms of variations done for these basic exercises or the progressive overloading involved versus last year. 

E.g. for 12 000 Squats-- in 2023, that is about 9000 Airsquat and 3000 unilateral aka one-legged reps, for things like shrimp or pistol squat. But this year more are done as unilateral squats which are of course harder. But doesnt reflect in terms of just a total number monthly. Similarly for Dips and Pulls (including LsitChinUps, LsCU), -- more are executed with weighted this year. PullUps with Lsit are also not reflected separately but just as part of the total of all pullups.


Coming to Jun itself... I set a sub GOAL of doing 20 clean pullups which lead to a PLAN-- revisiting the Russian Fighter PullUp program which is half completed as of this writing. 

In order to stick with it, this month's overall exercise volume is slightly down. No gym time has been allocated in the 2nd half of Jun after this program started. 

It's always a trade-off especially when we incorporate something new or additional into our routines. Even if I push the volume--  that would only mean over training at the end of the day. Apart from potential strain injuries, fatigue level would also mean not able to give it fully to execute each rep of exercise at its possible best.

This is the second time Im using the program. Started at an intermediate range for this round...

To reiterate again, the end GOAL is to see if it helps gain the strength and control to give 20 decent pullups. Legs dead straight and feet pointed down. No kicking, kipping. Clear chin over bar without craning or better yet-- clear neck over bar for as many as possible.

In summary, to challenge ourselves we need to set a GOAL

To reach that goal, we need a PLAN

Having a GOAL and PLAN. Planning is not just tabulating the numbers and rest days but also evaluate on the rest lile what may need to be sacrificed in this period to ensure the 1300 reps will be delivered. The last ingredient is to stir in the CONSISTENCY which requires mental fortitude to see it through.

30 Jun:  Day 17 of RFP after Qtrly 2.4km run

Anyway it will be a separate writeup by then to review once more on this pull training program when completed.

Doing this meant that Muscle Up training is once again taking a backseat. However after almost 3 weeks-- I can certainly feel the improvement in my pulling in terms of control, balance and strength gain. More to that-- the way I'm pulling now has also gained much in terms of upward propelling power which can be translated to some of the Muscle Up progression steps, so not everything is in stagnation for the MU I reckon.

Highlights this month

  • 06 Jun PushUp AMRAP : 49
  • 17 Jun Weighted (4.5kg) Dragon Flag periodic testing: First time doing 4 sets, 7+8+7+6, generally with better form then previous 2 times in the last 2 years...
  • 22 Jun PullUp AMRAP: still at 18  (after the Fighter Pullup program had commenced a few days earlier) This will be use as a benchmark to the next max pullup attempt in ~ mid Jul.
  •  30 Jun Quarterly "No training" 2.4km run with Nic- 28 sec to shave in reaching 50/50 for age band. This round was my fastest ever in the last 2 years at 10:48min.

Finally got off my arse and gotten a pair of 1kg ankle weights... Weighted Dragon Flag training shall commence in Jul. Now mulling what intermediate set/ rep goals should be used as a logical progression... hmm.

Last week there was a chiropractic workshop talk at the office...

Decided, it's time for me to go "fix" things as whatever I can self remedy over the last 1.5 years is pretty much done. Let's face it, there are issues and spinal correction from the years of bad forming habits is certainly one of them. After this will have to look further into more shoulder area corrective actions.

That's all for Jun 2024.

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