
Showing posts from July, 2022

2022 Jul Training Reflections

Recapping my journey of the past 2+ years late last month ,  it started as a daily log for Jun  on the last 6 days of the month.  Jul  is the first full month to understand and reflect how much improvements has been made and where further improvements can be explored. Convinced by now with the Training, Nutrition , Rest - Trinity ... all of which have to come in at the right amount for the whole equation to work/ be optimized. While not counting grams or calories to 3 decimal places, I do have a pretty good grasp of what goes in and out in terms of food, making things work out more or less. As for training, combining it with a self-imposed minimalist style in terms of equipment-- I still have not gone to any gym. That means no insane amount of weights lying around, which would be hard to work with without a spotter anyway.  But what's gleaned from all the reading and videos online is the importance of intensity -- and yes all the rapid gains of these few months ...

July 2022 Training Log

01 Jul 2022   Replenish order of depleting supplement stock. Trying out the Sierra Fit BCAA unflavored-- a little bored with the current one that has electrolyte.   3 sets of dips in office... decide to break for the day as Sun-Thu was daily workout. Prepare for chest session tomorrow. 02 Jul 2022 Checked out The Supplement Warehouse before a short morning session. Prices seem good on some items.. will check out their protein range again. 20 pull ups (wish it was all from 1 hang :( tried out Pistol Squats-- farking hard but will incorporate it from now in my routine Diamond push ups as usual, 3 x 20 and a couple of light bicep curls... Evening-- Pullups again at the park. Another 20 more.. Feeling the sore 3 sets of deep dips... 10, 15 and 15 3 sets of 10x OZ Pull Ups 3 sets of half farked Dragon Flag-- 1st set struggled to lower legs down from vertical. Set 2 and 3 managed to find the core control and drop it down to 60-65 degrees but with only a few seconds hold. Saw a youn...