July 2022 Training Log
01 Jul 2022
Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 7/10/22 6:33 PM Permalink Location Options Post: Edit Post published
Replenish order of depleting supplement stock. Trying out the Sierra Fit BCAA unflavored-- a little bored with the current one that has electrolyte.
3 sets of dips in office... decide to break for the day as Sun-Thu was daily workout. Prepare for chest session tomorrow.
02 Jul 2022
Checked out The Supplement Warehouse before a short morning session. Prices seem good on some items.. will check out their protein range again.
20 pull ups (wish it was all from 1 hang :(
tried out Pistol Squats-- farking hard but will incorporate it from now in my routine
Diamond push ups as usual, 3 x 20 and a couple of light bicep curls...
Evening-- Pullups again at the park. Another 20 more.. Feeling the sore
3 sets of deep dips... 10, 15 and 15
3 sets of 10x OZ Pull Ups
3 sets of half farked Dragon Flag-- 1st set struggled to lower legs down from vertical. Set 2 and 3 managed to find the core control and drop it down to 60-65 degrees but with only a few seconds hold.
Saw a young dude also training for muscle ups.. told me there is a guy that comes around 8-9pm to do muscle ups.. maybe can get some tips from him.
Wanted to end back home with a full bicep session but I think the body says its time to rest... Right shoulder now to forearm feeling a little quirky.
Wanted to end back home with a full bicep session but I think the body says its time to rest... Right shoulder now to forearm feeling a little quirky.
03 Jul 2022
Calisthenics is definitely way more taxing with the explosive actions than just lifting weight even with continuous dropsets to failure. Morning revelations.
Taking a break today... ok just a few sets of diamond pushups and a few crunches
04 Jul 2022
Chest session. Today went full flat bench instead of the usual inclines. Added flies. Really Squeeze to feel. But first, 20 pull ups to start off. Better pulling power today... finish the 20 in lesser sets than last week...
Flat vs incline defo can lift heavier per side. As usual work way up, but rest is about 30-45sec more Than dropsets to failure followed by flies and more push ups... Don't know if today exerts more than usual or not? Will be telling in the morning.
Oh... planche bars are here...
05 Jul 2022
Morning. Shoulder aches-- fatigue kind. Not lactic, not over-strained. OK... back, shoulders & cores still weak now.
Biceps day. Hit the usual. Really pumped afterwards.. can hardly bend hands backward behind neck
New intra-workout BCAA drink is nice. Orange-Mango
06 Jul 2022
No sores despite last evening balls to the walls dropsets on bicep.
Triceps Day. Started off with pull ups.. 1st set better than previous 2 weeks. 6 proper ones and could have done more. But felt muscle pull at right abs amd oblique... ended after total of 12
Finished triceps and continue 3k run with 5kg vest... need a few more runs to calibrate all parameters...
Weight: 72.8-73.2 kg today
07 Jul 2022
Lackluster.. had to force start with 30 💎PU and 21 pull ups.. 14 weighted
Barbell row with heavier load today. One handed row over bench and planking row next... Not easy. Need to fine tune my planking position next wk. Seems like it works the core more than back. But if rowing heavier will need to exert cores for better stability even more!
Standing dumbbells row dropset to finish off
08 Jul 2022
Back a little tight this morning but not as bad as expected it would be...
Rather hot day on first 6k run with the 5kg vest... still a lot harder than expected. no amount of pre-mental prep is enough for the actual run itself. Stats are "OK" for speed (8.53km/h) and timing. Avg 💓HR (138bpm) but HR was probably a little fk up with the watch during first km (lower than usual)-- Est HR should be about 140-142 bpm. Also took a pit stop today. Total stationary time is ~70 secs. Total moving time 42:22min, not too different from usual.
Each step on the flat route felt more like running downhill. Much harder to get the usual forward low impact rhythm
estimated at current level to reach usual HR of ~132-135 bpm -- speed will have to be reduced to around 8.25km/h (7:16min/km)
End with 4 x 25 💎PU back home...
09 Jul 2022
Effect of the weight on upper body during run apparent upon waking... Not sore but definitely a little more tiring on the trapz and upper back than usual
1st day of Planche Training. No ego involved, start with the very basics using Chris Heria's tutorial...
Mind says go but body says no today. Zzzz off in the arvo and woke at 6+pm
10 Jul 2022
10:30am Wanted to hit the pull up bars at the park but raining now... ok morning session will have to be at home...
Setup my living room circuit... will add pull up and more later
1pm: Did some basic tucked planche moves.. still too weak and not used to the stress on joints.
4:45pm.. muster up.. lace shoes and went park
25 pullups.
5x20 & 1x14 dips ...last set to failure
3x10 reverse crunch with 10 sec hold at end of set
~50 Parallel dips and 3x10 oz pullups..
11 Jul 2022
Learning planche techniques in the morning.. Short session with Nic at the pullup and dip bars in the park. Tried out the resistance band. But too tired to try out aided muscle ups.
15 pullups 2 x 18 deep dips 2 x 10 oz pullups
Wanted to call it a day but end up with another 5k run at the usual pacing
Still an easy day after the last 2 days..
12 Jul 2022.
Another round at the park today with Nic
20 pull ups in lesser mounts. 6,4,4,3,2,1+1
3 sets Dragon Flag
3 sets dips and 3 sets Oz pullups
13 Jul
Biceps.. continuous variation sets as usual but barbell curls move up to 10.75kg per side
Nothing left to continue with hammer curls except for 3 light-ish sets at 18, 27 and 27lb per side
14 Jul
Chest Day
60 PU and 20 pullups completed in 4 mountings in 7,5,4,4.
5 x 20 dips. 4 sets with 5kg vest
DB-Press 27,35,35,44,53lb. Dropset 53,44 followed by ~100 💎PU
1 last set of dip... ZERO done.. Failure came quick today
15 Jul & 16 Jul
Break... from shoulder down to lower back, the strains are real...
17 Jul
Lethargic Day.... google says 32 feels like 38⁰C.
Some PU to warmup and 21 pull ups today in 5 mount.. 6,4,4,3,4
Half-fk Tricep session of pulldowns and db and bb presses.. wanted to end with 3 sets of dips...
but shoulder refusing to go down at all...
18 Jul
Looking back at the things I have been doing, so far it has been upping gradually with weights and gotten into calisthenics without much of a plan and clue.
Pull ups has certainly improved since Apr but still far from my peak in the past. Overall, need to work harder on back and cores if going to do more on things like planche and muscle ups. Time to add daily routine for back and cores-- both front and back cores... apart from what's done now with pull ups, dippings and diamond pushups, the trinity of upper body exercises
Pull ups has certainly improved since Apr but still far from my peak in the past. Overall, need to work harder on back and cores if going to do more on things like planche and muscle ups. Time to add daily routine for back and cores-- both front and back cores... apart from what's done now with pull ups, dippings and diamond pushups, the trinity of upper body exercises
Today's 20 pull... almost did it within 3 mounts... 7, 6, 6... just 1 short
Supposed to be back-day but ended up with shoulders... Light-intermediate wts but with strict form...
End with 3 x 20 full dips and 3 x 20 💎PU
Total burn and arm pump today. At least back to normal after a shitty lethargic wkend
19 Jul
Finally! 20 pulls in 3 mountings. 8,6,6 +5 additional in set 4
55kg Barbell Rows. Plus planking and normal DB rows. Total ~16-17 sets
Dips 1x15, 2x20
Wide push up.. Back focus sets. 1x15, 2x20
20 Jul
Taking a bit of time after lunch to reflect... While there are goals and daily routines or at least consistency in some areas, there are too many exercises to do and too many body parts that need strengthening. Also cardio workouts are a lot less frequent now. Time for a more detailed training plan/ schedule I guess.
Supposedly chest day... but decided to recoup from last 2 days and also haven't ran for almost 10 days...
End with the daily 20 pullups at the park. Stupid me went to 'slippery bar' dripping wet after 6k... hands keep slipping.. basically was doing finger pullups... 5,4,4,4,3
Dips.. 2 x 20 and 1 x19... last one to failure
Saw on youtube today how to utilize my dipping bar for a variation of OZ pull ups.. Good exercise to incorporate for the daily sets.
Last 2 wks definitely seen improvement to overall strength.
Chest Day.
Pull ups.. broke the single digit in 1st set- 10 followed by 7 and 6. TOTAL 23 in 3 mounting.
Dumbbell Press
27lb x 25reps, 35lb x 20reps, 44lb x 18-20reps x 2 sets 53lb x 12-15reps x 4 sets
Last set transition into continuous dropset from 53-44-35-27... all with higher reps than last session... followed by immediate 💎pushups which also ended with higher rep count before failure at 19 (previous usually between 11-14)
2 more sets of 20 💎Pushups. One last set with DM @ 27lb to 35 reps
3 x 15 reps of 35lb resistance band flies to finish up
Dipping... Fuck it, no strength left
22 Jul
Idea! Compact Circuit Station
Wooden blocks behind dip bar. Start with hop squats on blocks and transition to dipping. Fimish off sit and lie back on blocks with legs raise straight DB flies and followed by incline 💎PU to reverse leg raise for back core. and add the FB video move I saw this morning by 瘦Fit
10:30am... thinking out loud: "Triceps or Biceps today...hmmmm?" Also thinking when travelling start-how not to have a break in momentum from training... need to come up with a HIIT Calisthenics Circuit workable in a confined space like hotel room esp if accommodation doesn't have a gym.
5:55pm: 20 pullups 10,5,5
Body calls for a time-out... biceps will wait till tomorrow.
23 Jul
Impromptu "2.4km" day
Setup a new non-stop miniCompactCircuit in the hall and did 1 set of
10 x 5sec hold reverse raise, 20 x Dips, 10 x leg raise straight arm flies, 20 inclined 💎PushUps, 10 kneeling forward mop
Went for a "warmup" run..intended a 1.6km lap but off I went into 2.4 mode somehow.. 12min 31s
Not the best timing (12:31) but can't complain...since never train 2.4 run for over a year...
Came back... 20 pullups in 3 sets @ 9,6,5
Did another set of the miniCompactCircuit again...
Biceps will have to wait till tomorrow
24 Jul
Zzzzz... the weekend fatigue set in again.. Replenish and did some carbo loading
25 Jul
Feeling fresh in the morning... couple sets of 20 dips in office.
5:45 Pullups 11, 5, 7 = 23 today. New intermediate target came to mind... "25 in 3"... see if can achieve by next week.
Barbell bicep curls. Rep up to 10.75kg per side again
DB curls... 6-7 sets
Back-2-Back Hammer Curls (27lb/side) with Tricep Pulldowns (15kg) - 4 compound sets.
More barbell curl ~4 sets and Rope Pulldown
26 Jul
Good sleep..zzz @ 9:30pm last nite.
6pm: Warmup of 50 pushups and 20 dip
"Light tricep day".. 4 x 30 pulldown
2 x 30 more non stop alternating with light hammer curls for bicep to add a bit more to yesterday
4 x 25 rope pulldown
4 x 20 💎pushups
1 x 22 💎pushups... to failure
3 more sets of tricep pulldowns and straight to pullups... only 4 today
Last 5-6 sets of tricep pulldowns.. added 5kg more than usual...
Went to dip bars... decided not to stress shoulders further. DONE
.... after dinner. Met Nic at 729... 5 more pullups.. Triceps still pumped. OK time to call it a day.
27 Jul
Been staring at the monkeybar all these while-- Why didn't I think of doing parallel pullups from there? Idea! Something new to do at the fitness corners now and adding variations to pullups :)
5:50 Decide to break for a run. The usual 6k... ❤HR slightly up at 138 avg but its a frigging hot day and Ive been running without water these days....
Came back and broke both pullup intermediate goals today
20 in 2sets and the one I just thought up on Tues.. 25 in 3 sets
Today was 11,9,6-->26
28 Jul
Full day work.. back late. Skip 1
29 Jul
Today will probably be a 2 meal day with an IF of 16hr last nite. On leave today... start another new intermediate goal.. Mount the bar 10x b4 every meal..
0930hr 10x Pullups 1500hr 10x Pullups
1700hr -- 11, 7, 6 ->24 . 4th set +8 -- 32 before Chest Workout
Dumbbell Press
27lb x25, 35lb x20, 44lb x18,
53lb x 12, 53lb x10, 53lb x8
Non Stop Dropset 53lb x 11, 44lb x6, 35lb x, 27lb x12--straight to 💎PU.
1st set to Failure @ 10. Another 2 sets (to failure) @ 20 and 19
Dipping-- Elbow wobbly by now.
1x15, 1x14, 1x13... all sets to failure. DONE for the day
...ok wait. Another 3 more pullups and 1 x20 💎PU .. OK really DONE this time
Total 55 Pullups
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Cod again but a new carbo combo of quinoa and japanese sweet potato. |
30 Jul
Arvo somewhere around 3pm: pullups 10+4
5:30pm Pull ups 10, 7, 6, 6 ...29 +5 assist
Total 43 + 5
10km run.. slowest one in a long time. HR is higher.. same as my recent 8.6-8.9km/h runs which is already a slide from last year pace and avg HR but today was only 8km/hr!
31 Jul
Frigging sore from last 2 days but an awesome breakfast waiting. Forgot my 10 pull ups before eating. Compensated afterwards and...... YES a "12 in 1" today... finally Im back to "Cat X" gold standard for IPPT..... oh wait nowaday IPPT don't even have pullups anymore 🙃
3rd consecutive day of 2-meals-a-day and having a break from training. Still mounted the pre-meal pullups though and broke into 12 counts today
Pullups 2 x 12
Hanging L-sits 3 x 10 with 5 sec hold
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Itadakimasu... |
_________<End of July 2022>__________
Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 7/10/22 6:33 PM Permalink Location Options Post: Edit Post published