2022 November training Reflections
- Kickstart lower carb intake. Not quite the full keto kind of severely restricted amount but certainly total carbohydrate as a macro nutrient in daily meals has been reduced.
- Strict Form Training/ Reps- "Don't Count Reps. Make Every Rep Count" is the new daily self-reminder.
Aug/Sep, daily fluctuation was mostly between 72.5 to 73.5kg
Oct/Nov- Full day fluctuation range is 73.3 - 75.0kg... usually at 73.5-73.7kg in the morning.
I'm not concerned with weight going up at this point. In fact weight gain is expected if sticking to the training regime. Hence I have re-set a new weight target at 75 +/-0.5kg, estimating with expected muscle gains and fat loss from:
- ~1kg of bodyfat reduction from current baseline of 73.5kg
- ~1kg Muscle gain from legs with new add on daily base-training exercises
- ~0.5-1.0kg? from arms and upper body after returning to pre-injury intensity with weights
Previously, at the start of resistance training in Apr-- my goal then was to return to a 72-74kg range but not knowing what exactly was wanted or how I was gonna train etc. It was just a number back then.
Counting calories has never been a part of things tracked. During the period of 2020-Apr 2021, it was more or less a caloric-deficit then as compared to now. Lessening carbs these days is not equated with calorie-deficit as is made up from higher proteins and fats intake.
In fact if anything were to be measured, I'm probably ingesting more especially in the last 2 months after going on this "keto" thing.
This video gives a slightly different view from others. The point of interest iss how caloric deficit from food is not linear to weight loss over time. Not something new, but while watching I recalled on the subject and it started to click on how everything works... A more holistic perspective.
As strength training took precedence, cardio sessions have dropped and average HR crept up slightly... I kept thinking it is my problem, the HRM watch issue or?
Just re-read something on Chi Running and realized that in the past few months my form has regressed. While I still remember what to do with the legs, body and head but its my hands that has gotten wayward.... Recalling now, at least in the past few runs, its mostly static and had not been moving, aka "flowing" as it should be in this style of running.
Ok- time to self-check and see if I can make some improvement over the next few runs...
11 Nov 2022 A comparison between July's "2.4km" timed run and one I did this week-- Got better this time around, shaving almost 1/2 minute off to 12:03 (vs 12:30 in Jul). But still havent done much for my usual 6km routines.
Road to Elbow Recovery- L-sit ChinUps
Another "discovery" which is kinda ironic, seems the very exercise that was at least a significant part leading to the Golfer's Elbow injury by has now become a very effective exercise therapy for the final portion to full recovery... Chin Ups!
Damn! The very first rep did hurt like a b*t^h though... so did the second and the
third... But by the 5th rep-- suddenly that aching tension dissipated on the first day!
Cranked out 5 sets of 5,5,7,5,5, total of 27. And followed by 36 pullups
And started to add Chin Ups daily because its easier to hold an L-sit vs L-sit Pullups; for the sub goal of intensifying core training.
The bonus was after a few days, I realize the morning ache and pain that usually accompanied the right elbow is mostly GONE! Probably a combination of things were happening here... Firstly, another sub goal as highlighted above was "not count reps and make reps count"-- that meant doing every rep of every exercise slow and controlled while not having any fast/forceful momentum.. SLOW REPS!
Together with consistent working out on the joint while trying to hold the best L-sit to slowly stretch and strengthen probably led to the best mix-and-match discovered accidentally.
This 3 became an addition to my stable of 4 "Daily Side Dishes" exercises... and next came an increase to 7-8 reps/set from the initial 5/set. I try to keep it to just 4-5 sets or so at first, but like all things done on the pullup bar-- the numbers kept going up really quick.Taking The Plunge
Took a "dive" and decided to see how far I can go with a headstand on parallettes... But reckon I will stick to my daily fundamental exercises intensity until year end for before attempting a more specific program for Hand Stand Push Ups,(HSPU) , MuscleUps (MU) or Planche progression...
Being the El Cheapo as usual, bought the Omron off cheap from Amazon.sg, courtesy of the heads-up by usual suspect and good friend, Tiny. Realized that everything was in Japanese upon unboxing, which I had to spend some time translating with Google Translation till the English manual link was found this morning.
Overall numbers mostly says it normal or near-average range. Visceral Fat has no units-- but on checking the manual to find out more, it says:
So I'm right at the low end of the "high" level for visceral fat now, but tolerance has not been taken into account on the machine. Health wise from bodily measurement, I reckon it's at a safe level as an Asian like myself compared to say standards/ numbers taken from a Western lifestyle/ diet which are the kind of numebers and statistics derived on studies done.
Guess it's taking down more data over the next few months to work out on tolerance/ accuracy before deriving at more in-depth analysis of my numbers to make the most sense out of it.
and to sum up this month's numbers...
Yes, its a lot more head-over-the-bar because of the additional L-sit ChinUps this month.
Ok it's getting long and winding... let's see what Dec will bring...