2023 Feb Training Reflections

Running  a little late in writing up last month's reflection.... its already Mar 12 today.

Feb kinda went past in a whirl, with more disruption to daily workout routines due to a slew of short day/ overnight trips for work.

Setting out with new targets or at least ideas of different things to do for 2023 meant having to split up workout time to accommodate for everything... 

Strength training is still the main but there is Stability and Flexibility added now.

To optimize, I took on more bite size training whenever possible like,,,

"100min" Sole to Sole Tuck In" whenever on those 2 hour speedboat  trips for work. Have not started work on pancakes and harder stuff as I'm still  "breaking-in" further on the hamstrings, and glutes with basics.


Overall numbers for the "Daily Fundamentals" wasn't too shabby compared to Jan. Not trying to push for more every month at this point. Pushups and pullups were reduced but focusing more for good form in each rep. 

Pushups were also reduced as I started working more on PikePushUps which are more intense and hence accumulate less numbers than my usual diamond pushups. Sets starting from 8 that became 12 for Pikes as compared to my usual 25-30 for diamonds.

Pullups with more reps of strict hollow body these days (or as best I can strictly perform) also meant reps per set naturally decreased until I can work this back to my old numbers.

Abs are definitely getting taxed more going by the numbers in L-sit ChinUps and DragonFlags for Feb.


But somehow just got this feeling I wasn't doing "enough".... NOW this is where it's really important in having a log to track than relying on one's feeling, which are subjective and mood dependent as summary of Feb vs Jan below shows. 

Moreover Feb is 3 days shorter than Jan. Plus the "forced" breaks I had to take because some long work days outside with no chance to workout.

Yes, on those late travel work days-- Could have squeezed in a few sets here and there in the night. But I've been watching sleeping heart rates, hence I give those times a miss.

Tried the "Around The World" for the first time in end Feb... in preparation for my own version of a Murph Challenge to be done this year...  Tough!


Mobility, Pains and Strains...

Lower limbs flexibility is getting a little better. But mobility is not my strongest point especially around the shoulder, which is most crucial because it means there is a lot of moves/ skills I can't really execute properly now that needs all the strength and mobility in this area.

Just doing the very basics daily and at least is able now to go slightly behind the ears with outstretched/ intertwined arms overhead. 

Discomforts now are kind of hard to pin down between post workout soreness and what might actually be attributable to being chronic. Some days there is nothing at all but after a session it comes back quick. Not too aggravating but have to monitor further... elbows, forearms and starting with the left shoulder again. 

Another rotator cuff pinching acting up? 




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