2023 Mar Training Reflections
Last day of March, just a short Pull training session for the day and a tally of Q1 2023 "Daily Fundamental" summary
Another month has passed since Feb reflection. Things have largely remained similar with work travel taking away some training intensity plus a week from having a cold.
Took extra effort during the recent one week trip to UK by having a daily session, however short, in the room or hotel gym this time. Tried out those short and sharp hi intensity programs I self-tailored to maximize effort in the quickest time. All about having consistency in training.
Form over Volume
Pullups: Overall pullup numbers has fallen from an average of 902/mth last year to 825/mth this Quarter. But mostly done with strict hollowbody form since getting the new pullup stand in Feb.
L-sit ChinUps is an improvement in holding up each rep better.
Dips: Greatest drop in vol of all the "fundamental" daily exercises but have kept to my usual balls-to-the-wall deep dipping whenever doing those though.
PushUps: Still largely based on diamond pushups but a number of it this quarter is made up of PikePushUps... need to refine how and what I want to do in the next few months...
Squats: Numbers are normalizing. But by now the formula I started out with since last Oct -- 35 x 4 reps is getting too easy. Tried out some one legged squat variations including pistol squats since Feb. Again need to refine and work in more for squats/ legs routines.
Dragon Flags: Better consistency and more effort put in this year. The super arduous and hard to hold up a straight flag sensation of last Oct/ Nov is history. From here it would be extra effort to keep an even tighter and super strict form each time. Still struggling to find the "perfect" holding height especially with the yoga mat start slipping around underneath when doing at home.
Running: Hard to increase back up on my old mileage as run days usually means a lot less for other exercises. Time is always a constraint :)
Skills training is lagging so far. Will concentrate one at a time. Back to focus more on muscle ups next...
And the following few months to come?