Saturday, March 18, 2023



Tracking all the mistakes and fails...

 18 Feb 2023

11 Mar 2023

Leg has "kicked" downwards from the kipping which helped to push the upper body higher and hence the elbow at same level as bar. Key failure due to still too early rotation of body inwards in attempt to go over the bar while wrist is under rotated.

18 Mar 2023 

Same mistake as last week. Started the pull too early (when body is still way in front of bar)

This causes arms to start bending more immediately to counter and go upwards. The pulling up while still in a far forward arch causing the elbow for a need to bend- cuts away some momentum though overall its still going upward (becoming like a push-pull cancelling effect). Also didn't really think much about the control at the shoulders and back at this point...

...Practice more high pullups first

Slightly better today with the wrist... Elbow to grip at highest point (almost in line with bar) are all in a straight line... wrist not rotated downwards at extension

Biggest problem-- again forget to flip wrist for transition

... Practice more swingbacks and slight transition at lower height to get the hang