L-sit Chin & Pull Ups
In the quest for "perfection" in form...for the L-sit ChinUps (and L-PullUps later)
Nov 2022--- As usual, like everything else, it all started out looking like 3-dit 4-dit and a 2-dit Dah.. aka SH!T in Morse speak.
Crooked legs, arms definitely not fully extended at the bottom
Hip flexors were not even close to having the requisite base strength level. The struggle to simply keep the legs up was real!
-- Goal Setting is the next important step. After reviewing those early vids, noted down
- (Nov-Dec 22) Keep Legs as straight and together throughout a set without dropping. (no emphasis to the angle yet)
which evolved to focus on better toe extension while at it. Target: 1 set of 7 strict L-sit ChinUps with legs straightened
- Jan-Feb23 - Further tightening up of the legs But realized arms cannot be fully extended without legs dropping.
- ~May 2023 - Starting to get the first couple reps with better arms extension while keeping legs up
Next few months did not see much improvement. Keeping legs totally straight by now is not the issue. But the angle still tend to move into a "V". Also noticed from watching videos.. I was curving my upper body a lot. Reckon the two goes hand in hand.
Next goal was to keep the body as close to vertical throughout the reps/ set.
- 02 Nov 2023 Finally... but body curvature while moving up is still not sufficiently controlled.
... A week later
Took a few days away from L sit Chin Ups. Can feel the diff with bar at home today. Best set came from having similar grip width as last few sessions in office. But form wise, not really much diff. Only thing was feeling a little stronger. Below showing first is the last of 5 sets and could hold the legs slightly better with full arms extension on all 7 reps. But it's darn near impossible to keep straight at 90⁰ throughout the entire ROM.
... to be continued
Next few months... progressively moving on to more 7 reps/ set with decent forms. Start piling PBs.. 8, 9 then 11. After which
- 13 Jun 2024 ... a 13 rep day
Full arm extension but faster tempo and not as clean as during normal training strictness on form.
Will workup to 15 reps in the next 1-2 months and after that it should wrap up the L sit Chin Ups and time to move on to other things. Daily maintenance and keeping up with the monthly quota of this exercise will stilll continue...