To Creatine or not to Creatine... (II)

 Continuing my very unscientific observation from the previous writeup, this is how it went yesterday. All 3 Arms Days in the gym were full on workout session on biceps and triceps. Normally my mostly body-weight daily workout doesn't see this kind of exertion on particular muscle groups as compared to gym/ weight days.

Had the creatine an hour before the workout. Tried to keep it similar as much as possible but deviation even at the "warmup" and while walking over to the gym was already making it hard to "clone" an exact workout for comparison.

Last comparison session on 30 Sep, I was relatively fresh at the start. Yesterday was pretty tiring considering last week's activities.  At the end of the session, could not find the strength to do my usual bodyweight-finisher  circuit routine of Push/Pull/Dips. Finisher super/ triset was aborted.

A chunk of yesterday's load would be noticeably from the first row which I consider as each session "warmup", comprising of combinations of dips and pullups/ LsitChinUps on the way or at the gym. 

Yesterday's appetizers before heaving the bar and plates were 4 sets of 10 strict dip rows and 3 sets of Russian Dips, (7, 8 and 9) followed by 7 x 3 sets of strict L-sitChinUps, which frankly was pretty exhausting at my current strength level.

Looking at the data today-- realized that I had gone way more, as marked by all the "extras" indicated  in the first two-third of the workout. Overall numbers on the load moved (kgf), sets and reps while probably not the most accurate estimates based on the way things are calculated, nevertheless is still the best I could objectively come up with for now.



Conclusion: Worked up this morning with the left shoulder still AF again but quickly taken care of by some 10 min mobility drills. Muscle soreness is at a minimum but let's see if there is an onset of DOMS by tomorrow. Seems like nowadays this is more frequent in my workouts especially after going back to the gym since Jul.

Does creatine work? Well at least for these last 2 rather heavy Arms sessions, it seems to let me pile on more each time. Maybe the next round I should try another similar session but without creatine.

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