2024 April Training Reflections

Going with more regulated reps per set rather than all-out max sets for awhile now. Wincing shoulder pain are largely gone but seems like there is a loss of joint mobility overall. 

Even with running, steps seems smaller and something I can't quite figure with the left shoulder. Not due to pain but just seems a lot weaker. Can be felt from bicep curls to bench-press! Had a total failure during chest session doing dumbbell press at the gym this month. 

While somewhat recovered by May, but I can't seem to move beyond 25kg! Was doing up to 32.5kg earlier this year. Similar but not as bad was the barbell myo-repping that saw the usual 60kg dropped to about only half set worth at one time.

 Just continued with daily dose of body weights mostly in second half of the month. 3 consecutive gym days during company trip to Korea but all "lite" sessions. Followed by another 2 day factory trip. This brings things to last few days of April.

 By now there is a certain level of fatigue. Can't figure out what it is exactly. Neuro-muscular fatigue?  Realized its a lot of stiffness in the lower half of the posterior chain. That is the back hips, glutes and hamstrings...  Need to stretch and more yoga.


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