2024 Nov Training Reflections
The month kicked off for the first few days being sick right after a trip to Jakarta at the end of October. While down with the cold, did the occasional weighted Dragon Flag test with my 2 x 2.25kg ankle weights. Finally, a passable 8 rep set after 2 plus years
Followed by another trip to China on the 7th-9th Nov next and surprisingly-- that's where I hit a running PR, Not my usual running distance but a 10km. I attribute it to the nice 15C weather there that day
Had a few more weighted dip sessions after coming back from China... but nothing to shout about. Had been re-assessing how I should approach and attack weighted dips. It's something I'll probably work on in 2025.
Looking at the "Daily Salad Menu" -- there's quite a fair bit of PushUp and Dips to catch up this time for the "Year Quota".
While dreading to put in more for squats-- the running part was also beckoning. Squats plus runs, now that's quite a bit to juggle. Anyway, still manage to run a total of 14 out of the 30 days and set another 2 PR for 3 and 5km on the 25th
MuscleUps saw some improvement at last, with lesser kipping and having further awareness on fine tuning the movement. Reps however remain low.