2023 Jul Training Reflections

No idea what to write as I fired up this monthly article... that's where training logs once again come in useful. Signed up at the nearest Anytime Fitness on 2 Jul. Finally back in a gym after almost 30 years ! Been there a total of 7 times this month... more than half of the workouts there are calisthenics and running on treadmill. Probably turned a few eyes with my unconventional approach even when using weights in the gym. Not sure if anyone else had ever held a 110-135lb barbell while lying on the floor and swinging the legs in both directions at the same time since the gym opened for business :) But not that I care so long it's not obstructing or inconveniencing others. Important thing is getting a good worthy workout. Running It's still mostly the usual 6km loops that's been honed these few months to improve on pace while keeping to my usual fetish of maintaining as low a heart rate as possible. 29 Jul was particularly exhausting after a 2hr ...