
Showing posts from November, 2023

Dec 2023 Training Log

01 Dec 2023 PullUps: 10, 8, 8 Flt back to SG 02 Dec 2023 Run: 4.08km, 5:54/km, ❤️138 PullUps: 10, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5 03 Dec 2023 Proprioception Training 1 hr 💎PU: 25, 25, 25, 25 04 Dec 2023 LsCU: 5, 5, 5, 5 Str.Bar.Dip: 15, 15, 15 ☠️CrusherPU: 5,5 ,5 Pullups: 10, 8, 8, 5, 5, 5 (7:30min) AirSquat: 35, 35, 35 BalanceBoard: 20 mins 05 Dec 2023 Elbow Dips:10,10, 10 Gym (Back) Deadlift (myorepping) 40kg x 15 (warmup) 60kg x 12 (warmup)  (myorepping, 20 sec interval) 60kg x 10, 06, 06, 06, 05 Lats Pulldown 45kg x 15 54kg x 10 64kg x ( 6 )  64kg x ( 6 +1) 68kg x 04   64kg x ( 07   + 1 partial)  drop to 54kg x 03 Seated.Cable.Row 45kg x 15 50kg x 12 54kg x 10 Dumbbell Row 15kg x 10 20kg x 10 25kg x 10 PullUps : 8, 6 8, 7, 8, 6 06 Dec 2023 Run: 7.22km 07 Dec 2023 🐲🚩: 10, 10, 10 Str.Bar.Dips: 15, 15, 15 Pullups: 10, 10, 10, 10 Break 08 Dec 2023 🐲🚩:10, 10, 10 LsCU: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ☠️Crusher.PU: 7, 7, 10 Stretching 20 mins Bal.Trg: 30 min FloatingSquat: 5 x 5 09 D...

To Creatine or not to Creatine... (III)

  Arms Day and creatine talk again... Still going by comparison by weight moved, sets and reps... Table is getting longer by now.... going forward it probably make more sense to just compared most recent 2 workouts like this... Although everything is still subjective but sets and reps looks to be even less useful. Only the total load moved per session is a better indicator when evaluating. E.g. in the last line if it was 5 circuits of Round The World-- that will only still count as 5 sets. but break it down-- it's actually 15 sets of 3 different exercises in total. Or for that matter-- 5 sets of RTW would have a way higher count when tallying total reps. The key difference is therefore on the load/ weight moved around that can directly be related to energy expenditure and as a better indication of progressive overloading in training. In any case, yesterday's session was after a rather heavy dinner the night before with lots of meat which no doubt would have filled the body wi...

Chest Workout & Myorepping (I)

  This one follows up in the same style as what I have done with 2 previous articles to compare on Arms Training and Creatine . But with a different bodypart and a training method for benchpress called Myorepping , that I came to learn recently, from the youtube channel Renaissance Periodization .   What's the point? Like so many other training methods, often it is about slotting in a quick workout with the least amount of time involved. I have been experimenting with dropsets, supersets and trisets, the last of which is also a part of my current chest workout at the gym but based on bodyweight exercises as the finisher with the Round The World triples of Pullup, Dips and Push   Quick cap of MyoReps  Not going into too much details here as it can be read up or watched with a search or the links above. Use a weight/ load that is approx 40-60% of your 1RM (1 Rep Max) Hit first set to 1-2 reps short of failure, rest 15-30 secs and continue repping out about half ...

30 Dragon Flags a day

   Update Dec 2024 - Only realize how I have been doing it wrong on 25th Nov 2023 and started correcting the hip hinging error... something I been consistently doing wrong for almost 2 years!     First off, this isn't some trendy " Let's do "X" no of "Y" for a "Z" no. of days " thing as popularized on many sites and channels. Rather it's another "experiment" this year stemming from things I have been mulling. Cores is one big group of muscles that can be worked daily. Most people gravitate towards the "6-pack" aka rectus abdominis because of aesthetics, but it is more. Much more.    Even when not directly focused in exercising them, it's utilized as supporting/ stabilizing muscles in almost every other exercise. Hence testing out with a daily 3 sets of 10 in the morning, still fasted, isn't all that ridiculous or overworking them in my opinion. Secondly it's part of my form improvement and mind-body a...

Elbow Dips

ELBOW DIPS!  A move that eluded me an entire year since attempting in Sep-Oct 2022... My left shoulder of course is anything but stellar during all this time. Over-training left me too exhausted to try and do this move much even on days when the delt wasn't acting up like a b!atch. For the longest time-- lowering the elbows without buckling halfway was just impossible Fast or slow-- it made no difference... I simply plop like a sack of sh!t on the way down... until 23 Sep 2023 -- First ever... 5 reps of Elbow Dip   Figured out the trick by myself. Watched a few more videos of others afterwards only to realize it's all shown but I was just too thick to see it! -- The "trick"? Move forward when getting ready to drop the forearm and elbow down to the back. This will lower the loading force. Swing upper body rearward to get the momentum for punching forward before rising back up! Once that was wired in the thick slow skull of mine--- it was just a matter of adding new m...

L-sit Chin & Pull Ups

   In the quest for "perfection" in form...for the L-sit ChinUps (and L-PullUps later) Nov 2022 --- As usual, like everything else, it all started out looking like 3-dit 4-dit and a 2-dit Dah .. aka SH!T i n Morse speak. Crooked legs, arms definitely not fully extended at the bottom Hip flexors were not even close to having the requisite base strength level. The struggle to simply keep the legs up was real! -- Goal Setting is the next important step. After reviewing those early vids, noted down (Nov-Dec 22) Keep Legs as straight and together throughout a set without dropping. (no emphasis to the angle yet)   which evolved to focus on better toe extension while at it. Target: 1 set of 7 strict L-sit ChinUps with legs straightened Jan-Feb23 - Further tightening up of the legs But realized arms cannot be fully extended without legs dropping. ~May 2023 - Starting to get the first couple reps with better arms extension while keeping legs up Next few months did not see much im...

To Creatine or not to Creatine... (II)

 Continuing my very unscientific observation from the previous writeup , this is how it went yesterday. All 3 Arms Days in the gym were full on workout session on biceps and triceps. Normally my mostly body-weight daily workout doesn't see this kind of exertion on particular muscle groups as compared to gym/ weight days. Had the creatine an hour before the workout. Tried to keep it similar as much as possible but deviation even at the "warmup" and while walking over to the gym was already making it hard to "clone" an exact workout for comparison. Last comparison session on 30 Sep, I was relatively fresh at the start. Yesterday was pretty tiring considering last week's activities.  At the end of the session, could not find the strength to do my usual bodyweight-finisher  circuit routine of Push/Pull/Dips. Finisher super/ triset was aborted. A chunk of yesterday's load would be noticeably from the first row which I consider as each session "warmup...

2023 Oct Training Reflections

Oct 2023 fitness and training was all over the place. A week in Cologne for the Anuga Food Show with lots of drinking. Yes drinking. Something since Q1 of 2022 that I had largely eliminated. Never been much of a drinker all my life but during the pandemic lock-down period-- found myself grabbing a bottle of whisky off the shelf to replenish just before the last one dries up in the house. Soon it kinda became a habit.  Those 2 years also saw my highest running mileage ever and my cardio fitness was back right up there  to my ultramarathon days... so I thought a few drinks was ok. But when life returned to normal going back to office, that's when I it dawned on me that something was not right and I need to kick the bottle away. So why this "binge" week during Anuga this time? Call it an experiment. First I can certainly still drink pretty copious amount but the fact is I really do not like it at all... Alcohol. Especially beer, it just smells rotten somehow. Call it overnig...